What can we do to reduce infant mortality?

What can we do to reduce infant mortality?

Consider the following ways to help reduce the risk:

  1. Preventing Birth Defects.
  2. Addressing Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight, and Their Outcomes.
  3. Getting Pre-Pregnancy and Prenatal Care.
  4. Creating a Safe Infant Sleep Environment.
  5. Using Newborn Screening to Detect Hidden Conditions.

How can developing countries prevent infant mortality?

Vitamin A supplementation, breast feeding, and prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations are low-cost strategies that can significantly affect infant well-being and reduce child mortality in many developing countries.

What does cause of death refer to?

Cause of Death is a term used to indicate the medical cause of death. It lists the disease(s) or injuries that caused death. The reason why an accident occurred, a person took their own life, or why one person killed another person are not investigated by the medical examiner for the purpose of death certification.

Who decides cause of death?

A cause of death is determined by a medical examiner. The cause of death is a specific disease or injury, in contrast to the manner of death which is a small number of categories like “natural”, “accident”, “suicide”, and “homicide”, which have different legal implications.

When is the cause of death unknown?

The death certificate will reflect the change by adding the identified cause of death. In some cases, even after a full spectrum of examination and testing, a cause of death is never identified. If that happens, the death certificate will be amended to read that the cause is unknown.

What is an example of cause of death?

Cause of death: The disease or trauma that directly caused the victim’s death. Examples include a heart attack, a gunshot wound to the head, or a drug overdose. A gunshot wound (the cause of death), may have been accidental, suicidal, or homicidal, for example. Only deaths from disease are natural.

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