What are the 6 general purpose registers?
The 8085 has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit data; these are identified as- B, C, D, E, H, and L. These can be combined as register pairs – BC, DE, and HL, to perform some 16-bit operation. These registers are used to store or copy temporary data, by using instructions, during the execution of the program.
Which are the general purpose registers?
The general purpose registers are divided into two categories. Four registers, AX, BX, CX, and DX, are classified as data registers.
What is difference between accumulator and register?
It’s is used to store information which is immediately needed by the processor. Processors are very fast & only register memory can match their speeds. Therefore all the information to & from the processor goes via registers. Accumulator is a register which stores the intermediate results for large computations.
How many types of accumulator registers are there?
There are different types of Registers that are used. Some of the most used Registers are accumulator, data register, address register, program counter, memory data register, index register, and memory buffer register.
What is the difference between ALU and register?
The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) of a processor performs integer arithmetic and logical operations. One operand for the ALU is always contained in a register. The other operand may be in a register or may be part of the machine instruction itself. The result of the operation is put into a general purpose register.
What is the main register in the ALU?
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs the arithmetic and logical functions that are the work of the computer. There are other general purpose registers that hold the input data, and the accumulator receives the result of the operation. The instruction register contains the instruction that the ALU is to perform.
What are the types of ALU?
An ALU consists of three types of functional parts: stor- age registers, operations logic, and sequencing logic, as shown in Fig. 1.
What is Alu with diagram?
The heart of every computer is an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). This is the part of the computer which performs arithmetic operations on numbers, e.g. addition, subtraction, etc. The ALU will generate an 8-bit result (result), a one bit carry (C), and a one bit zero-bit (Z).
What is the function of an ALU?
function in digital computer …of a control unit, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), a memory unit, and input/output (I/O) controllers. The ALU performs simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and logic operations, such as OR and AND. The memory stores the program’s instructions and data.
What is CU full form?
CU – Control Unit. ALU– Arithmetic Logical Unit. MU- Memory Unit.