What is maskable interrupt?

What is maskable interrupt?

Maskable interrupt is a hardware Interrupt that can be disabled or ignored by the instructions of CPU. A non-maskable interrupt is a hardware interrupt that cannot be disabled or ignored by the instructions of CPU. Maskable interrupts used to interface with peripheral device.

How many interrupts are maskable in 8085?

INTR, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 are maskable interrupts in 8085 microprocessor. Non-Maskable Interrupts are those which cannot be disabled or ignored by microprocessor. TRAP is a non-maskable interrupt.

What are maskable and non maskable interrupts in 8086?

The 8086 has two hardware interrupt pins, i.e. NMI and INTR. NMI is a non-maskable interrupt and INTR is a maskable interrupt having lower priority. One more interrupt pin associated is INTA called interrupt acknowledge.

Is reset is maskable interrupt?

Maskable and Non-Maskable Interrupts Non-maskable interrupts are normally used for high priority events. Readers will be familiar with the reset button on their computer – it is a high-priority non-maskable interrupt that causes the computer to restart execution from the beginning.

Why are interrupts masked?

If a level-triggered interrupt from a peripheral device is enabled and active, but the kernel trap handler cannot immediately run the device’s interrupt service routine (ISR) to clear the interrupt, the handler masks the interrupt at the GPIO pin to prevent the pin from repeatedly causing more interrupts.

Which interrupt can be provisionally ignored?

Explanation: The maskable interrupts are usually low priority interrupts which can be ignored if a higher priority process is being executed.

What is the interrupt process?

An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor executes instructions. These interrupts occur when the channel subsystem signals a change of status, such as an input/output (I/O) operation completing, an error occurring, or an I/O device such as a printer has become ready for work.

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