What do you mean by delay and subroutine for microprocessor 8085?

What do you mean by delay and subroutine for microprocessor 8085?

The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor does not execute other tasks. For the delay we are using the instruction execution times. executing some instructions in a loop, the delay is generated.

How do you calculate delay in microprocessor?

Delay Calulation

  1. clock period (T) = 1/f = 1/2*10 power-6 = 0.5 microsecond.
  2. time to execute MVI C ,count.
  3. = 7 x 0.5 microsecond.
  4. time delay in loop (tL) = T x loop T states x count.
  5. loop T states = 4T + 10T = 14T.
  6. tL = 0.5 microsecond x 14 x count.
  7. so we also have to consider the 7T states of JNZ .

How do you introduce time delay using one register?

time delay required and then the register is decremented until it reaches zero by setting up a loop with conditional jump instruction. Write a Program to count continuously from FFH to 00H using register C with delay count 8CH between each count and display the number at one of the output ports.

What are subroutines in 8085?

In computers, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that perform a specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs wherever that particular task have to be performed.

What is a subroutine coding?

Subroutines are small blocks of code in a modular program designed to perform a particular task. Since a subroutine is in itself a small program, it can contain any of the sequence , selection and iteration constructs.

How stack is used in subroutine call?

The stack is an area of memory; the stack pointer is the address of the last value pushed onto the stack. Usually, the stack is used for storing data when subroutines are called. The stack is a last-in-first-out, i.e., LIFO structure so the last thing stored in the stack is the first thing retrieved.

What is difference between function and subroutine?

Functions and subroutines operate similarly but have one key difference. A function is used when a value is returned to the calling routine, while a subroutine is used when a desired task is needed, but no value is returned.

What is a return value in coding?

In programming, return is a statement that instructs a program to leave the subroutine and go back to the return address. In most programming languages, the return statement is either return or return value, where value is a variable or other information coming back from the subroutine.

What is a parameter in coding?

In computer programming, a parameter or a formal argument is a special kind of variable used in a subroutine to refer to one of the pieces of data provided as input to the subroutine.

What is the purpose of return 0?


Use-case return 0
In the main function return 0 in the main function means that the program executed successfully.
In user-defined function return 0 means that the user-defined function is returning false.

What does side effect mean in coding?

Side effect: a change in the program’s state caused by an expression or a function call, or modification of a global variable in a procedure or function. Program state: values of variables or status of I/O.

What is side effect give an example?

Side effects: Problems that occur when treatment goes beyond the desired effect. Or problems that occur in addition to the desired therapeutic effect. Example — A hemorrhage from the use of too much anticoagulant (such as heparin) is a side effect caused by treatment going beyond the desired effect.

What are side effects code?

In OO programming, side effects are when a function does something it doesn’t communicate, something that might not be anticipated. Those are side effects. Good functions don’t have side effects, whether you’re doing OO or functional.

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