What is counter and delay?

What is counter and delay?

 COUNTERS ARE USED TO KEEP TRACK OF EVENTS.  TIME DELAYS ARE IMPORTANT IN SETTING UP REASONABLY ACCURATE TIMING BETWEEN TWO EVENTS. COUNTERS A Counter is designed simply by loading an appropriate number into one of the registers and using the INR (Increment by one) or the DCR (Decrement by one) instructions.

How do you use a time delay to design a counter?

time delay required and then the register is decremented until it reaches zero by setting up a loop with conditional jump instruction. Write a Program to count continuously from FFH to 00H using register C with delay count 8CH between each count and display the number at one of the output ports.

How do you calculate time delay?

Let us start with the simple maths calculation.

  1. Divide the BPM of your mix by 60.
  2. Halve the 1/4 note value (or divide by 2) and you get the 1/8 value.
  3. Halve the 1/8 note value (or divide by 2) and you end up with the 1/16 value.
  4. To calculate Dotted Value multiply the calculated delay value by 1.5.

What is the highest count we can use for delay in 8085 microprocessor?

Using 16-bit register-pair as counter: Instead of using 8-bit counter, we can do that kind of task using 16-bit register pair. Using this method more time delay can be generated. This method can be used to get more than 0.5 seconds delay.

What is the first step in the time delay program?

The planning step explains how to assess learner’s current abilities, select key components of time delay, and determine times and activities for using the practice. Assess the learner’s current abilities to determine if the learner has essential prerequisite skills needed for time delay to be successful.

How many ports are there in 8085?

The 8085 supports up to 256 input/output (I/O) ports, accessed via dedicated Input/Output instructions—taking port addresses as operands.

What is delay in microprocessor?

There are different places where the delay will be used. The processor doesn’t execute other tasks when the delay subroutine is executed. The execution times are used for the delay. The delay is generated when the instructions are executed in a loop.

Which method is used for the generation of delay in second?

LOOP TECHNIQUE. This is very simple software based delay technique. In this method we load a number in a RAM location and decrement it till it becomes Zero.

What is the largest time delay timer1 can generate?

At this frequency, and using a 16-bit timer (MAX = 65535), the maximum delay is 4.096 ms. It’s quite low.

How do I create a hardware delay?

If a developer needs a delay such as 10 microseconds, a hardware timer could be loaded with the count value that would represent 10 microseconds. In this instance, the timer would be setup as a one-shot timer….5 Techniques to Delay Code Execution

  1. for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
  2. {
  3. __NOP();
  4. }

Which mode produces the biggest delay in 8051?

16 Bit Timer: This mode is most commonly used for producing the time delay. In this mode all the 16 bits are used for timer and values vary from 0000H to FFFFH.

Which mode produces the biggest delay *?

To get the largest delay we make TL and TH both 0. This will count up from 0000 to FFFFH and then roll over to zero….to be used and which timer mode (0 or 1) is selected.

  • Load registers TL and TH with initial count values.
  • Start the timer.
  • Stop the timer.
  • Clear the TF flag for the next round.

What is the maximum delay generated by the 22 Mhz?

4. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal frequency of 22MHz? Explanation: For generating the maximum delay we have to multiply the maximum number of counts with the time period required to execute one machine cycle( 65536*1/22MHz).

What is the function of the T MOD register?

Discussion Forum

Que. What is the function of the TMOD register?
b. TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.
c. Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the operation of the timer
d. Is used to interrupt the timer

What is gate in TMOD?

Gate — OR gate enable bit which controls RUN/STOP of timer 1. Set to 1 by program to enable timer to run if bit TR1 in TCON is set and signal on external interrupt INT1 is high.

What is T mode register?

The TMOD register is used to select the operating mode and the timer/counter operation of the timers. The two timers can be independently program to operate in various modes. • The TMOD register has two separate two bit field M0 and Ml to program the operating mode of timers.

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