What country has the same time zone as India?

What country has the same time zone as India?

Further Countries in the same timezone of UTC +5:30

Country Region Timezone
Sri Lanka countrywide Myanmar Time (MMT)

Which countries have the same time zone?

Further Countries in the same timezone of UTC +8

Country Region Timezone
Brunei countrywide Brunei Darussalam Time (BNT)
China Shanghai China Standard Time (CST)
Hong Kong countrywide Hong Kong Time (HKT)
Indonesia Makassar Central Indonesia Time (CIT)

Which time zone is closest to India?

Indian Standard time

Which countries follow Indian Standard Time?

It runs through the countries of India and Sri Lanka. Those in the time zone also refer to it as Indian or India Time (IT) and Indian Standard Time (IST). India and Sri Lanka remain on India Standard Time all year long and do not make any changes for Daylight Saving.

Which country is 30 minutes ahead of India?

When the meridians for the Indian subcontinent were created, New Delhi was in between the two. Naturally, India decided to be 30 minutes between the two time zones, which is why the country is only 30 minutes ahead of nearby Pakistan, for example.

Which country is 1 hour ahead of India?

Explanation: As Erath rotates around the sun in an elliptical orbit, we experience different climates and this also lies as the main cause of time difference which exists between different countries. For example, if we compare the Indian time with Myanmar it will have exactly a difference of one hour.

Does India have 2 time zones?

The study said that technically it is feasible to have two time zones and two ISTs in India. At present, the country observes a single time zone based on the longitude passing through 82°33′E. Interestingly, before independence the country was following three major time zones- Bombay, Calcutta and Madras Time.

How many hours are we behind India?

The center of the United States is 11:30 hours behind the center of India. PLEASE NOTE: India and United States may span multiple time zones.

Which country has maximum time difference with India?

The Republic of Kiribati’s Line Islands, which have a time zone of +14 hours UTC, are on the far east of the earth. These two places, therefore, have the biggest time difference of 26 hours.

What country is the most hours ahead of us?

The International Date Line passes through the Line Islands. The ones that are part of Kiribati are in the world’s farthest forward time zone, UTC+14:00. The time of day is (UTC-10.00), the same as in the state of Hawaii, in the United States, but the date is one day ahead of Hawaii.

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