What is BTL and ATL marketing?

What is BTL and ATL marketing?

“ATL” stands for “Above The Line”, meaning that the advertising is going to be deployed around a wider target audience, e.g. television (TVC), radio, or billboards. “BTL”, or “Below The Line”, suggests that the advertising is going to target a specific group of potential consumers.

What is ATL marketing activity?

Above-The-Line Advertising(ATL) Above-The-Line activations are a widespread advertising and marketing campaign or activity that is undertaken at a general level, without any specific audience targeting.

Is BTL digital marketing?

Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL), digital channels are defined within these acronyms that the biggest advertising, marketing and creative agencies have been using for many years (since 1954 to be exact).

What is meant by ATL BTL and TTL?

Today, these marketing strategies fall into two distinct categories – Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) activities. Through the Line (TTL) marketing activities help marketers use an integrated approach to advertise products to both mass and focused markets simultaneously.

Is Atlanta an PR?

than Above the line (ATL) strategies. These may include activities such as direct mail, public relations and sales promotions for which a fee is agreed upon and charged up front. Above the line is a type of advertising through media such as TV, cinema, radio, print, banners and search engines.

How do you do BTL marketing?

BTL activities include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling, exhibitions and targeted search engine marketing. BTL activities are more interactive and give the opportunity to brands and consumers to connect on a personal level.

Is Social Media ATL or BTL?

Social Media as BTL: Content specific to a niche audience, well-targeted advertising, lead generation campaigns can all be considered as BTL activities. Below post can be a classic example of social media for BTL as the communication is pretty clear that it is for a specific audience in Pune.

How do you do BTL activities?

BTL activations induce a list of activities that uses innovative ideas to engage its audiences. In the earlier times, BTL marketing activities revolve around direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling & exhibitions.

What is BTL material?

Below the line(BTL) Measures include direct mailing, distribution of flyers, brochures, and usage of sponsorships, public relations, tele-marketing and point of sale. ATL is tailored for mass audience while BTL promotions are targeted at individual level according to their needs and preferences.

Are events ATL or BTL?

Above the Line, or ATL Marketing, refers to generally untargeted, massive campaigns to raise brand awareness and reach more people; below the Line, or BTL Marketing, refers to the much smaller and highly targeted world of ads, aimed at individuals and with easy to track returns on investment and a definitive audience; …

What does BTL stand for?


Acronym Definition
BTL Beyond the Limit (band)
BTL Below The Line (advertising)
BTL Between the Lines
BTL Buy To Let

What is Alt and BLT?

I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ve been totally craving a BLT (you know, bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich). And I don’t even like bacon that much! My solution: An ALT (avocado, lettuce, or maybe arugula, and tomato sandwich), inspired by a post over at Test With Skewer.

What is above and below the line?

In filmmaking, above the line refers to the budget for directors, actors, story writers, and the likes, while below the line includes the rest of the production team or crew. In marketing, above the line is related to mass media marketing, while below the line is direct marketing.

Is sponsorship ATL or BTL?

Sponsorship. Sponsorship is a partnership with different corporates or events to get more impressions and is usually carried as a part of brand building strategies at a BTL level.

What is the difference between marketing and branding?

Marketing is defined as the set of tools, processes, and strategies you use to actively promote your product, service, and company. Branding, on the other hand, is the marketing practice of actively shaping your brand. Branding is about defining who you are as a company.

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