The social challenges of the TWENTY-first century
12 and 13 of November of 2014
Madrid association of Sociology (AMS)
In special collaboration with:
Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the UNED
Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, COMPLUTENSE university of madrid, Ibero-american Association of Sociology of Organizations (AISO), National School of Political Science and Sociology, Departments of Sociology of the UNED and Social Work Department of the UNED.
Following the tradition of the previous Conferences of the AMS, held at the University of Alcalá (2007) and the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (2012), are the following areas of work:
- Problems and Social Policies
- The Communication of the TWENTY-first Century
- Organizations, Work and Innovation
- Political Sociology
- Social Movements
- Education and Adaptation to change
- The New challenges of the Woman
- Population and Territory
- Inequality and Social Structure; 10. The New Society 2.0
The purpose is to enhance theoretical and practical the new social challenges and how to address them. The innovative character of this encounter is determined by being the first ciberjornadas organized by the AMS, with headquarters in Madrid and an online connection with different events taking place both international and national: Mexico, Brussels, Seville, Lugo, Las Palmas, Guadalajara, Jaén, etc, from where you will be able to participate actively in the Conference.
Scientific committee
Antonio Lucas Marín (COMPLUTENSE university of madrid), José Almaraz (UNED), Elizabeth Tower (UAM), José Félix Tezanos (UNED); Alicia Kaufmann (UAH), Luis Garrido (UNED), Mercedes Pardo (U. Carlos III), Manuel Javier Callejo (UNED), and Ramón Adell (UNED), Antonio López (UNED-spain) and María Dolores Cáceres (UCM).
Organizing committee
Pillar Nova Melle (UNED), Pillar Gomiz (UNED), Pablo López Calle (UCM), Julio del Pino Artacho (UNED), Idoia Gorroño (UCM), Javier García (UNED), Juan Zarco (UAM), Alejandro Manríquez, Enrique Morales and Barbara Contreras Montero.
The abstracts of the communications, with a maximum of 250 words, should be sent to the mail of the congress: [email protected] prior to the may 1, 2014. It shall communicate acceptance before the 1st of June.
The final texts of the communications, between 8,000 and 12,000 words, shall be delivered before 1 October 2014. Will be published the minutes.
Registration in the Conference
- Partners 40€ (50€ after October 1st)
- Non-members 75€ (100€ after October 1, includes a year of fees to AMS)
- Students 30€ (40€ after 1 October).
Income in the c/c from the AMS: ES15-0049-3107-14-2694060782. To send a certificate to the mail address of the congress. Mandatory for the acceptance of the final text of the communication. The associated with other territorial organizations with which we have agreements, will be considered in economic terms as members of the AMS.
Source: Channel-UNED
Opening of the International Days of the Sociology of the AMS
Ricardo Mairal Usón Research vice-rector, UNED
José Antonio Olmeda Gómez dean, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, UNED
Antonio Lucas Marín president of the Madrid Association of Sociology (AMS)
Inaugural conference of the III international conference of Sociology of the AMS
Philippe Schmitter emeritus professor, European University Institute, Florence
Discussion table 1. Chair: Ramón Adell Argíles
The risks of skepticism political 1
Pedro Chaves Giraldo advisor to political group in the European Parliament group Plural Left
Ramon Adell Argilés , professor of Social Change, Sociology I, UNED
The risks of skepticism political 2
Jaime Pastor Verdú professor, Department of Political Science and Administration, UNED
The risks of skepticism political 3
José Ramón Montero Gibert , professor of Political Science , Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
Questions about: The risks of skepticism political
Discussion table 2. Chair: José Félix Tezanos
Social polarisation and social stratification in the societies of the TWENTY-first century. I
José Felix Tezanos Tortajada , Professor of Sociology, UNED. Director GETS, UNED
Social polarisation and social stratification in the societies of the TWENTY-first century. II
Luis Enrique Alonso Benito professor, Dept. of Sociology, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid
Social polarisation and social stratification in the societies of the TWENTY-first century. III
Mª José Rubio , UNED
Social polarisation and social stratification in the societies of the TWENTY-first century. IV
Pillar Gomiz Pascual, a professor in the Department of Sociology III of the UNED. Secretary and member of the Board of Directors of the AMS
Turn, questions on: social Polarisation and social stratification in the societies of the XXI century
Discussion table 3. Chair: Pilar Nova
Sociology as a profession I
Raul Flores Cáritas Española
Sociology as a profession II
Fernando Conde Gutiérrez del Alamo Director of CIMOP
Sociology as a profession III
Mª Jesús Pérez secretary general of AEDIPE
Sociology as a profession IV
Fernando Conde Parrado writer
Sociology as a profession: time for questions
Discussion table 4. Chair: Ramón Cotarelo García
The frontiers of the TWENTY-first century 1
Beatriz Jimeno Reinoso – State Federation of lesbian Gay bisexual and transgender
The frontiers of the TWENTY-first century 2
Ramón Cotarelo García professor of Political Science, Director of the Department of Political Science and Administration, UNED
The frontiers of the TWENTY-first century 3
Juan Díez Nicolás Doctor Honoris Causa by the national university of distance education.
The frontiers of the TWENTY-first century 4
Carlos Moya professor of Sociology, UNED
The frontiers of the TWENTY-first century 5
Closing III Day International Sociology
Video conferencing
On new forms of participation in society
Loreto Vazquez
More information on the Website of the AMS