Can I use an iPhone bought in the US in Mexico?

Can I use an iPhone bought in the US in Mexico?

Yes, but only with compatible GSM carriers, and with a risk of sub-optimal coverage. As long as the iPhone is unlocked, it can be used with any US carrier’s GSM-compliant SIM cards.

Can my iPhone work in Mexico?

Re: will my iphone work in mexico? Your phone should work in most parts of the tourist areas, BUT… You probably don’t want to use your iPhone’s data service for things like email and Facebook. It can get VERY expensive.

Can I buy a phone in Mexico and use it in USA?

Mexico uses the same GSM frequencies that we use in the US, so you will have a Mexican phone number and call within Mexico at a fairly reasonable price. You can also buy time to call the US. You can also buy unlocked GSM phones on line.

What cell phones work in Mexico?

Mexico’s main cell-phone (teléfono celular) companies are Telcel (, Movistar ( and AT Mexico ( Telcel has the most widespread coverage, and both Telcel and AT Mexico offer both roaming and calling in both Canada and the United States without extra charges.

Do cell phones work in Mexico?

A U.S. cell phone will work in Mexico. Most U.S. mobile providers provide roaming, either free or with an extra charge, depending on which plan you are on. Although U.S. cell phones and SIM cards will work in Mexico, we recommend you check with your provider to ensure no exorbitant rates are present on your phone bill.

Does my phone plan work in Mexico?

Almost all the main carriers, Verizon, Sprint, AT and T-Mobile, offer affordable and even free roaming in Mexico. If by chance you roam to Mexico and incur huge roaming rates, call your carrier and ask them if they can activate retroactively a better plan and charge you accordingly.

Can I use my data in Mexico?

Will my phone work in Mexico like it does in the U.S.? Yes. Your wireless plan is subject to the same data rules in Mexico as it is in the U.S., although network speeds can be slower outside of the U.S. (as low as 2G).

How do I get better reception in Mexico?

How to boost your cell signal

  1. Get out from behind materials that block your signal.
  2. Reboot your cellular radio.
  3. Change your location.
  4. Remove the case.
  5. Check a coverage map.
  6. Update your carrier settings.
  7. Don’t let your battery get too low.
  8. Install a signal booster.

How much is an Iphone in Mexico?

iPhone X price in US dollars

Country Local Price USD Price
Mexico Mex$23,499 1,237.06
Australia A$1,579 1,234.49
Switzerland CHF 1,199 1,218.50
Singapore S$1,648 1,210.96

How do you text from USA to Mexico?

Enter Mexico’s country code (and then the phone number) within a blank text message . Mexico’s country code is “+52.” When sending a text to Mexico , you can either hold down the “0” key on your phone to form a “+” sign, or type “0052.” Input your correctly-formatted number into the “Recipient” field.

Can I text someone in Mexico for free?

Using internet, you can send free text messages to Mexico. Simply enter the phone number on the dialpad and click on “Send”. You can now send free texts to Mexico mobile and landline phones from your computer or smartphone.

Can you receive text messages in Mexico?

As long as you are near a major resort or city in BCS, MX, you should have service with a CDMA Verizon Phone. Dial *611 or call (800) 922-0204 or contact a Verizon Wireless representative to enable International Roaming. These text messages are not applied against your monthly text messaging bundled allowances.

Does it cost to text Mexico?

If you’re using your US number with international roaming, anyone texting you from the US will not be charged anything extra as it counts as a normal domestic message, but anyone texting you from Mexican numbers will pay their standard long distance rates.

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