Who inspired Osama bin Laden?
This is a part of our belief and our religion.” It was apparently inspired by the successes of Shia radicalism—such as the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the implementation of Sharia by Ayatollah Khomeini, and the human wave attacks committed by radical Shia teenagers during the 1980s Iran–Iraq War.
Who was Osama bin Laden answers?
Osama bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi, founded the terrorist organization al-Qaeda in 1988 to mobilize Arab fighters on the Afghan side of the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–1989). Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden sought to establish al-Qaeda’s military role in the Middle East.
Who was Osama bin Laden’s mentor?
Who interviewed Osama bin Laden?
ABC reporter John Miller recounts his May 1998 hour-long interview with Osama Bin Laden at his mountaintop camp in southern Afghanistan. The interview took place a little more than two months before Al Qaeda’s truckbombings of the two U.S. embassies in East Africa.
Why did the US shoot missiles into Afghanistan?
On August 20, American cruise missiles struck targets in Afghanistan and Sudan. The target in Afghanistan was identified as an extensive terrorism training complex. President Clinton described the missile strikes as acts of self-defense and of retribution for the bombings of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
Why did bin Laden attack USA?
In Osama bin Laden’s November 2002 “Letter to America”, he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda’s motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression …
How many planes crashed in 911 attack?
The death toll included 265 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.
Why did Russia invade Afghanistan?
On December 24, 1979, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, under the pretext of upholding the Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty of 1978. And Soviet ground forces entered Afghanistan from the north. The Soviets, however, were met with fierce resistance when they ventured out of their strongholds into the countryside.
What is the mujahideen in Afghanistan?
Mujahideen, Arabic mujāhidūn, members of a number of guerrilla groups operating in Afghanistan during the Afghan War (1979–92) that opposed the invading Soviet forces and eventually toppled the Afghan communist government.
What did the Mujahideen stand for?
Mujahideen, Arabic mujāhidūn (“those engaged in jihad”), singular mujāhid, in its broadest sense, Muslims who fight on behalf of the faith or the Muslim community (ummah). Its Arabic singular, mujāhid, was not an uncommon personal name from the early Islamic period onward.
What does Mujahideen stand for?
Mujahideen or mujahidin (Arabic: مجاهدين, mujāhidīn) is the plural form of mujahid (Arabic: مجاهد, ‘one who wages jihad’), an Arabic term that broadly refers to Islamic guerrillas who engage in jihad ( lit. ‘struggle’), the fight on behalf of Islam/Allah or the Islamic community (ummah).
What is Jihad in Islam?
The Arabic term jihad literally means a “struggle” or “striving.” This term appears in the Quran in different contexts and can include various forms of nonviolent struggles: for instance, the struggle to become a better person.
Who was the first Mujahid of Islam?
Mujahid ibn Jabr
How did the mujahideen defeat the Soviets?
The mujahideen were eventually able to neutralize Soviet air power through the use of shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles supplied by the Soviet Union’s Cold War adversary, the United States. The war in Afghanistan became a quagmire for what by the late 1980s was a disintegrating Soviet Union.
What weapon did the CIA give the Mujahideen to attack the Soviet helicopters?
The Mujahideen did use the Stela-2 and the Redeye with some notable successes against Soviet attack helicopters, but further success alluded them due to the fact that the Mujahideen lacked the training required for successful use of these weapons (7).
Why did China support the mujahideen?
China responded to the Soviet war in Afghanistan by supporting the Afghan mujahideen and ramping up their military presence near Afghanistan in Xinjiang. China saw the Soviet presence as a regional threat to itself (to prevent the USSR from encircling China) and a threat to its ally Pakistan.