What did Constantinople export on the Silk Road?

What did Constantinople export on the Silk Road?

Constantinople imported and exported various goods from afar, such as Christian holy relics and silk. These items were highly coveted after in the Byzantine world. Constantinople also exported Nestorian Christianity via the Silk Road, where Nestorian Christianity reached as far as China.

What did the Silk Road trade?

In addition to the silk, China’s porcelain, tea, paper, and bronze products, India’s fabrics, spices, semi-precious stones, dyes, and ivory, Central Asia’s cotton, woolen goods, and rice, and Europe’s furs, cattle, and honey were traded on the Silk Road.

How did the Silk Road affect China economy?

Economic significance of Silk Road It expanded China’s foreign economic trade and made the world know China. At the same time, it promoted the trade between China and other countries in the world, and achieved mutual benefit and reciprocity, laying a good foundation for future cooperation.

What was the social impact of the Silk Road?

The Spread of Buddhism One of the largest social impacts of the Silk Road was the spread of religion; particularly Buddhism. From its origins in Classical India, Buddhism found its way to China and other civilizations via the Silk Road, where it had resounding impacts on the Chinese populace.

What were the major economic social and cultural consequences of the Silk Road?

what were the major economic, social, and cultural consequences of Silk Road commerce? silk was associated with buddhism and wealth which promoted the expansion of buddhism. GOOD: increased appeal to religions-christianity & buddhism. tenant farmers/urban workers demanded higher prices and became wealthy.

What are some effects of the Silk Road?

One obvious effect of trade along the Silk Road was more goods were available in more places. Silk, owing to its soft texture and appealing shimmer, became so hotly desired that it was used as currency in central Asia.

What was the impact of the Silk Road on China?

The WWII Silk Road Helped Save China (1937–1945) The Silk Road land routes fell into disuse during the Ming and Qing dynasties era (1368–1912). Ships carried products much more economically and quicker, and enemy countries and raiders were in between.

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