How did Jade get its name?
Jade is a unique and beautiful name derived from the gemstone of the same name. The name is from the Spanish phrase “piedra de la ijada” which means “stone of the colic” or “stone of the side.” This was born of the belief that the green gemstone could cure colic in babies when it was placed on their stomachs.
Who first found Jade?
The first jadeite reached China from Burma (now known as Myanmar) in the late 1700s, and late eighteenth and early nineteenth century carvers created masterpieces that are still unsurpassed in concept, design, and technical execution. The Chinese associate jade with clarity of mind and purity of spirit.
What is the meaning behind Jade?
Jade is one of the most treasured stones in China, where feng shui was developed. This highly valued and beautiful stone represents strength, luck, and invites good health.
What does Jade do to the body?
According to crystal therapy, Jade also has calming and soothing properties, it eliminates fear, comforts and calls for benevolence. Then, it helps the heart to find compassion to make the right decisions, balances emotions, and gives modest and clear ideas. Finally, it opens your mind and persuades you toward renewal.
Is Jade expensive?
It is the most expensive because it is the highest quality, the most sought-after color, and remains today the most highly prized source of jadeite around the world. As mentioned there are three types of Jade and these three classifications are based upon the manufacturing process.
Why did my jade turn white?
If the jadeite rough is brown, cracked, odd color veins, the jade carver bleaches it with acid to remove the color. Then adds color. They often make it beautifully translucent, green and maybe some lavender, and when it’s beautiful, who can resist buying it. It’s still “real” jadeite, but not natural color.
Does Jade darken with age?
When jade is worn close to the skin over a period of time (for instance a jade bangle), it absorbs your body oil, liquids, dirt, etc. Over time, you might see the jade becoming more brown, darker in colour, etc.
Does Jade lose its color?
The intensity of the colour of Jade will only change due to dirt or grease that can sometimes get trapped on the surface, or if the Jade piece has undergone colour treatment, gradually fading to its original state as time passes.
Does Jade lighten over time?
Jade however does not change color by itself like wearing or in time unless some physical changes occur as mentioned above. There are many varieties of other gemstones which changes from one light to another. Those gems are called “color-changed” gems.
Is it good to wear jade?
Wearing, holding and meditating with jadeite jade improves health problems that stem from illness or accidents. Jadeite is reputed to open one’s heart to love when worn in jewelry. Jade stone benefits extend throughout the renal system, helping the body to expel stones in the kidneys and spleen and recover afterwards.