What does number of holds mean?

What does number of holds mean?

Number of holdings is the sum of all the unique holdings of a fund, equity, fixed income, derivative, or alternative investments included. It’s important to note that if a mutual fund holds both common and preferred stock of say JPM, that the number of holdings would be 2.

What does it mean when there is a hold on a bond?

If you or someone you love has been arrested and is being held on bond, it means that a written promise has been signed by the defendant and surety to ensure that the defendant appears in court at the scheduled time and date.

What does 0.00 bail amount mean?

A “no bond” or “zero bond” means that no bond or bail has been set for the defendant. A defendant in jail, without a bond, does not help his case. He or she cannot assist the attorney in defending their case as effectively.

Can the police prosecute after 6 months?

Can I still be prosecuted? The Police do not physically have to serve proceedings within 6 months of the offence. Their obligation is to lodge sufficient information with the Court so that the process can be started.

What is the charge for failing to stop for police?

Penalties: Unlimited fine. Community order or up to 6 months’ imprisonment can be imposed. 3 – 9 penalty points or disqualification from driving.

Is it my fault if I reverse into someone?

Since the car backing up was moving in reverse at the time of the crash, it will usually be at fault in the accident. That car usually will not be at fault unless there is evidence that the driver was either not paying attention or was speeding. If so, then both drivers may have some fault.

What happens if you hit a car but no damage?

If there is vehicle damage but no bodily injury to anyone, it is a “misdemeanor hit-and-run,” carrying a fine of up to $1,000 and six months in jail. A hit-and-run after an accident in which someone is injured carries a fine of $1,000 to $10,000 and up to four years in prison.

Is it possible to hit a car without knowing?

Yes. There are various factors that could have caused you to not be aware that you struck someone or something. For example, if you were driving a large pickup truck and listening to music in your car, you might not see or feel something that you hit.

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