How much is felony theft in Washington?

How much is felony theft in Washington?

First-degree, charged as a Class B felony, when the theft of property or services is valued over $5,000 or when it involves taking property of any value directly from another. It carries penalties of up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine of up to $20,000.

How long would you go to jail for stealing?

For first-time offenders who are convicted of the lowest severity level of felony theft, the potential prison sentence can be anywhere from several months to two or three years, though a court may also choose not to impose any jail time.

What is the penalty for shoplifting in Washington state?

A Shoplifting Charge Can Be A Misdemeanor or a Felony This is charged as Theft Third Degree, which is a gross misdemeanor, and is punishable by up to 365 days in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 dollars. Occasionally, the merchandise is valued at over $750 dollars and the shoplifting charge will be a felony.

What is motor vehicle theft called in Washington state?

class B felony

Is it a felony to steal a car in Washington state?

Theft of a motor vehicle is a class B felony punishable by a maximum of 10 years in jail and a $20,000 fine. Actual penalties for a Washington theft crime, however, are determined by the Sentencing Reform Act, RCW 9.94A and the Washington State Sentencing Guidelines.

Can a felon own a gun after 10 years in Washington state?

In Washington State, anyone who has been convicted of a felony or any crime of domestic violence is ineligible to possess a firearm. This ban will last a lifetime, unless the right is restored by a court of record (typically the Superior Court where the individual resides).

How do I get my criminal record expunged in Washington state?

Expungement for Arrests in Washington To expunge non-conviction data, you must wait two years from the date of the dismissal of the charges, or three years after the date of the arrest if no charges were filed. During this time, you cannot have any new convictions or arrests.

How long does a domestic violence charge stay on your record in Washington state?

five years

How long does a background check take in Washington state?

The state allows for 10 days to complete a background check on a prospective handgun buyer, unless the person clears the background check sooner. However, Washington state allows for up to 60 days in the following cases: You do not have a valid Washington driver’s license or State ID card.

How do you get a DUI off your record in Washington state?

Unfortunately, the state of Washington does not allow DUI expungement. This is true, regardless of whether you have long since served your punishment and satisfied the terms of your sentence. You may, however, expunge certain other misdemeanor offenses on your record.

Is a DUI a felony in WA?

A Washington state DUI will be charged as a felony if: (1) a driver has four or more prior DUI related offenses within 10 years; (2) a driver has a previous conviction for vehicular assault or vehicular homicide while under the influence; or (3) a driver has a previous felony DUI conviction.

How long does a DUI stay on your record in Alaska?

How long does a DUI stay on your driving record?

State On record for Point length
Alaska For life 2 points off every 2 years
Arizona 5 years 3 years
Arkansas 5 years 3 years
California 10 years 13 years

Is there a statute of limitations on DUI in Washington State?

The statute of limitations for filing DUI charges in Washington is two years from the date of the incident. That means the state, for the most part, has the entirety of that two year period to make a filing decision.

How long does Washington state have to charge you with a DUI?

two years

What happens when you get a second DUI in Washington?

For a Second (2nd) Offense DUI conviction, the penalties are: Maximum sentence of 1 year in jail. Maximum $5,000 fine. If you blew a 0.15 BAC or above, or you refused the breath test, the mandatory minimum jumps to 45 days in jail or 90 days of electronic home monitoring.

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