What does Helen death symbolize in Jane Eyre?

What does Helen death symbolize in Jane Eyre?

In the scene before her death, Helen tells Jane she is ‘going to my long home- my last home. ‘ This is one example of the difference in the two girls beliefs. Helen believes that she will find her home in heaven rather than England. One interpretation of Helen’s death is that it symbolizes the death of Jane’s passion.

How has Helen influenced Jane’s character?

Upholding the extreme Christian doctrine of tolerance and forgiveness at all costs, Helen serves as a foil to both Mr. Brocklehurst, with his cruel lack of Christian compassion, and Jane, with her anger at those who mistreat her. Helen espouses a Christianity in which faithfulness and compassion are rewarded in Heaven.

What disease does Helen Burns have?

Helen tragically dies of tuberculosis at a very young age and Jane stays with her until the last moment. “I am very happy, Jane; and when you hear that I am dead, you must be sure and not grieve: there is nothing to grieve about.”

What did Jane learn from Helen?

If nothing else, Jane did learn one lesson from Helen, that it is better to have a clear conscience than it is to be loved. Helen shows where her confidence and hope lie as she is dying. Jane worries what will happen to Helen when she dies, and questions whether Helen truly believes in a heaven.

What does resurgam mean and what is its significance for Jane?

I shall rise again

Is Helen Burns a flat character?

Helen Burns the fourteen-year-old girl is a flat character since her character can be summed up as being a martyr and yet has an unwavering stubborn faith, and being a loyal friend.

What is Helen’s response to her punishment?

Although Jane is embarrassed and angry over being punished, Helen takes her punishment and tells Jane she “thinks too much of the love of human beings.” Helen is the true Christian martyr, who forgive people who abuse her and constantly tries to live Christ’s words.

How are Mr Brocklehurst’s wife and daughter dressed?

How are Mr. Brocklehurst’s wife and daughters dressed? What does that tell us? They are wearing silks, furs, feathers, and false curls.

What advice does Helen give Jane?

What advice does Helen give Jane? Jane is a fighter who cannot meekly accept justice. An insensitive hypocrite. He orders that no food may be served if the porridge is burnt, asserting that fasting is better for the girl’s souls.

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