Is Jason Statham in Transformers?

Is Jason Statham in Transformers?

Jason Statham has addressed rumours that he will be starring in the Transformers franchise. However, Statham refused to distance himself from a potential role in Transformers 4, adding: “I’ve got a lot of stuff in front of me, but Michael Bay is a talented man.

What is the 4th Transformers movie called?

Transformers: Age of Extinction

Will there be a Transformers 6?

Paramount has officially revealed the seventh live-action Transformers film as Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

Will Transformers 7 happen?

Transformers 7 will release June 24, 2022 in cinemas worldwide.

Why did Mikaela leave Transformers?

But what caused the sudden departure of Fox from Transformers? Megan Fox not returning for Transformers: Dark of the Moon was a response to a Wonderland interview she did in 2009 where she compared Bay’s attitude on set similar to Hitler. She said, “He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is.

Why did transformers get rid of Sam?

Witwicky was the lead character of the first three movies, exiting after Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. This was due to LaBeouf’s desire to move on from blockbuster movies, and the series received a soft reboot with 2014’s Transformers: Age Of Extinction.

What happened to Shia LaBeouf after Transformers?

After he exited the “Transformers” franchise in 2011, LaBeouf’s career had ups and downs. In 2013, he appeared in Lars von Trier’s mega-explicit epic “Nymphomaniac,” which signaled a more experimental phase of his career.

Why is cybertron smaller in the last knight?

Second, the scale of Cybertron as a Jupiter sized planet. It’s just too big to give it any relation to Earth. It would fill the whole screen with only a small part being earth. So they have to shrink it to give it context to to break it up into pieces to make some sense of it in relation to the earth.

Why did the last knight Transformers fail?

The film reportedly lost Paramount over $100 million and was deemed a commercial failure due to competition from Despicable Me 3, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man: Homecoming, War for the Planet of the Apes, and Dunkirk with the latter making the less in worldwide earnings when comparing the five films but Transformers: The …

Is Bumblebee a flop?

Bumblebee is a pretty interesting box office case. It’s by no means a bona fide flop (Paramount didn’t lose money on it), but it isn’t a runaway smash either. The spinoff falls into the tricky middle ground where the studio needs to proceed with caution moving forward, or else they’ll potentially lose a tentpole.

Why was galvatron not in the last knight?

Galvatron in the live-action series This was because Optimus wanted to end the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, so he declined Megatron’s truce offer and decapitated his biggest rival. He did return in The Last Knight, but not as Galvatron. Galvatron disappeared.

Is galvatron stronger than Optimus?

Galvatron’s advantages are strength and raw power, whereas Optimus Prime has speed (turning into a moving vehicle) and intelligence on his side, and they’re both evenly matched in fighting skill.

Does galvatron know Megatron?

Yes. I have good reasons to believe he knows that he is Megatron very much. Several times he has claimed to have Megatron’s memories and when Cyclonus took him to Torqulon to be healed, he had bouts with his past self.

How did Galvatron become Megatron again?

In the Japanese cartoon continuity Galvatron was defeated by the Headmasters who collapsed an iceberg on top of him and entombing him in ice and he would remain buried in the ice for over fifteen years, until he was resurrected by Dark New as the new and improved Super Megatron.

Who is stronger Megatron or Galvatron?

Megatron manages only 8.75. Thus giving the edge in combat to Galvatron. Megatron has a slightly higher intelligence rating (10 vs 9 for Galvatron), so presumably, if he sets traps and plans for the encounter, he can win. Megatron also has the edge on firepower (again 10 vs 9 for Galvatron).

Why did Megatron start the war?

The Great War was the first and most violent outburst of fighting on the planet Cybertron, between the newly christened Autobots and Decepticons. It was started by Megatron’s initial drive to overthrow the caste system, although this noble goal was corrupted by his jealousy of Orion Pax’s ascension to Prime.

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