Which is better branch EEE or ECE?

Which is better branch EEE or ECE?

Electronics and communication (ECE) is more software oriented while EEE is a core subject dealing with machines. ECE has more job scope in private sector while EEE has more scope in government sector. So to put it simply, if you are interested in coding, the ECE is better for you.

Which is better mech or ECE?

If you go with ECE then you will get the job easily. But in my opinion Mechanical engineering is better than Electronics Engineering. There are lots of job in private sector as well as government sector in Mechanical engineering but there are almost zero government job for ECE. The ECE job is not secure.

Is EEE tougher than ECE?

EEE: In EEE the competition is not very tough and the availability of jobs too are good. This is because they have a separate paper for ECE, while students pursuing EEE have to study a lot of other things. Besides this, EEE students can’t take IES while ECE students can.

Is ECE harder than mechanical engineering?

If you are not interested in machines and their parts’ study , then you will find mechanical tough .. And if you do not have interesr in electronics signals ,, their study and use in communication, then you will find ECE hard. But if we come to scopr , then ECE has a better scope than mechanical engineering.

Which is tough ECE or CSE?

It is completely different from CSE. Personally I feel, difficulty of the subject depends on the person. But ECE syllabus is known to be bigger than CS in some colleges. The labs are known to be tougher.

Is ECE btech tough?

ECE means electronics and communication engineering. if you are detemined to take this as your engineering course then it wont be tough. So will be able to explore all the engineering courses. And that is why this field is regarded as an evergreen field.

Is ECE tough for average students?

ECE is actually one of the toughest branch in engineering but it depends on you whether it is hard or easy to study. ECE is not much easier as compared to other branch . if you are an average student and focuses only in studies you will achieve a lot in doing ECE compared to other branches.

Should I choose CSE or ECE?

Placement wise, ECE is a little better than CSE as it has more offers in the public sector (govt jobs). Also ECE is considered to be somewhat of a “evergreen” branch. CSE also has very good placements and the average salary is higher than ECE.

Which has better future CSE or ECE?

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