How important is the setting to the theme of Amigo brothers?

How important is the setting to the theme of Amigo brothers?

How does the setting of the story affect the theme? The setting of Tompkins Square Park builds the pressure for both Antonio and Felix to do their best in the fight despite the fact that they are best friends. They vowed to do their best while still remaining friends. You just studied 12 terms!

What is the point of view of Amigo brothers?

What is the point of view of the story amigo brothers? Third-person omniscient point of view because the narrator illustrates the thoughts and feelings of all of the. amigo brothers.

What is the conflict in Amigo brothers?

The main or the central conflict of the story Amigo Brothers is that Antonio and Felix must fight against each other in a boxing match.

Who won in the story Amigo brothers?


What happened at the end of Amigo brothers?

Both boys are battered and exhausted by the end of the fight, but when the final bell sounds, they immediately embrace in shared triumph, and the crowd cheers. Before the winner of the fight can be announced, Felix and Antonio walk away, arm in arm.

What is the setting of the story Amigo brothers?

Setting. The story of the Amigo Brothers is about this story are best friends that have fallen in love with the sport of boxing. In the end of this short story the brothers both make up and don’t care who is the real winner. The setting of this story is in Manhattan where the fight occurs and the two brothers live.

Which statement best describes how the conflict in Amigo Brothers is resolved?

The following statement best describes how the conflict in “Amigo Brothers” is resolved: The boys leave the ring together, showing that they are still good friends. Explanation: “Amigo Brothers” is a short-story written by Puerto-Rican Cuban author Piri Thomas.

How does the author build suspense during the fight in Amigo brothers?

Thomas builds suspense by giving readers a brake from the main drama so that they can learn more about the main character’s. The story is “Amigo Brothers” by Piri Thomas. The main characters are Felix and Antonio, and they have to fight each other before they can go to the Golden Gloves Tournament.

Why is the fight so important to Felix and Antonio?

What agreement do Antonio and Felix make while jogging? boxing is so important to the boys because they don’t want to live in the bad part of town and they want to to the the golden gloves competition. How does the relationship both help and hurt the boys during the fight?

What is the climax of the story Amigo brothers?

Answer: Felix and Antonio fight so fiercely against each other in the ring that they don’t hear the bell ring.

What is special about the friendship between Antonio and Felix?

What is special about the friendship between Antonio and Felix? They were so together in friendship that they felt like brothers. They had known each other from childhood. They grew up in the same building on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Why do Felix and Antonio decide not to see each other before the fight?

Why do Felix and Antonio decide not to see each other before the fight? They don’t want the other one to know how they’re progressing. They don’t want their friendship to distract them from the fight. They don’t think they can be friends and competitors at the same time.

Who won Felix or Antonio?

The champion was getting beaten, his face being pounded into raw, wet hamburger. His eyes were cut, jagged, bleeding, one eye swol len, the other almost shut. He was saved only by the sound of the bell. Felix became the champ and Tony the challenger.

What deal do Antonio and Felix reach about their training period before the fight?

what deal do Antonio and Felix reach about their training period before the fight? The two friends are to fight in the light weight golden glove boxing tournament. The final round bell is sounded, this is all or nothing.

How are Antonio and Felix similar?

How are the boys (Antonio and Felix) similar? They are both teenage boys from the same neighborhood. How are the boys different? They are physically different: Antonio is tall and lean while Felix is short and husky.

Why don t Antonio and Felix stop fighting when the final bell sounds?

Why did both boys stop their final punches in midair at the end of Round One? Round 3- They didn’t stop punching when the bell rang because they didn’t hear the bell.

What do Antonio and Felix do during their time apart?

What do Antonio and Felix do during their time apart? Both prepare themselves mentally and physically to win. Both think about winning a clean, fast victory.

Which excerpt from Amigo Brothers is part of the story’s rising action?

Which excerpt from “Amigo Brothers” is part of the story’s rising action? The fight had created great interest in the neighborhood.

Which plot element best helps readers determine the theme of Amigo brothers?

Which plot element best helps readers determine the theme of “Amigo Brothers”? the background information provided in the exposition the excitement and action described in the rising action the way the characters’ main problem is solved the way that the characters behave during the climax.

Which plot element most helps readers determine the theme of the story?

Which plot element most helps readers determine the theme of a story? the rising action. the resolution.

Which type of conflict is evident in the excerpt Amigo brothers?

internal conflict

Which excerpt from Amigo Brothers best conveys the main conflict in the story Brainly?

Answer: Felix, his amigo brother, was not going to be Felix at all in the ring. Just an opponent with another face.

What type of conflict is described in this excerpt?

According to this excerpt, the type of conflict that is described is social conflict of which it is character vs character because William is at conflict with himself for the kind of life he has.

What is the effect of time being described as heavy in paragraph 45?

Answer: Antonio was passing some heavy time on his rooftop. This line means that Antonio was going through a tough time and was in a dilemma since he was wondering about the fate of his relationship with Felix post his fight the next day.

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent?

direct characterization

What does Laura’s attempt at trying to use?

Answer Expert Verified. Laura’s attempt at trying to use an English idiom reveals that she is eager to try English phrases and expressions.

What is the best reason why this excerpt is important to the story the land?

He had left that to my mama, and I resented not only him for it, but her too. What is the best reason why this excerpt is important to the story? It develops the characterization of Paul’s mother. It addresses the minor theme dealing with loneliness.

Which is a major theme from the land?

Answer: the major theme is: Inequality hurts a wide variety of people. are connected to overall events in the plot. Read this excerpt from The Land.

What Paul’s father sees most likely makes him realize that?

According to this excerpt, what Paul’s father sees most likely makes him realize that Paul is not the one responsible for Ghost Wind’s injuries. The correct answer is B. Paul’s father knows he is a good horseman; in fact, he says: “one of the best I’ve ever seen”.

Which is a minor theme in the land?

The minor theme of “The Land” is that the education can counter inequality. The major theme of ‘The land” is ‘Inequality is a destructive force. ‘ The story focuses on the effects of inequality that cause destruction to a wide range of people.

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