Why is there oil in my air filter box?

Why is there oil in my air filter box?

Oil in the air filter is an indication that there’s a blow-by problem. The first culprit to check is the PCV valve. If it is blocked or only semi-functional, replacing the valve and cleaning the system is usually all that’s necessary to fix the situation.

How much oil pressure should a 4.0 Jeep have?

Rule of thumb is 10 PSI for every 1000 RPM. Also keep in mind newer Jeeps use dummy gauges on both oil and coolant and will usually stay around the 50 mark no matter what, even though at idle it will be much lower.

Why does my jeep loses oil pressure?

Oil pressure will likely drop when an engine starts to leak or burn oil. Leaky valves and seals are commonly the cause. This will be evident if spotty puddles of oil are seen under the vehicle.

What oil does a 4.0 Jeep Cherokee take?

Engine Oil

Viscosity: 10W-30 (Above -18) 5W-30 (Below 16)
Capacity: 6 quarts. (with filter)After refill check oil level.
Torque: 25 ft/lbs (Oil Drain Plug)

What happens if I put 10W30 instead of 5W30?

Most oils will mix perfectly, provided they have a similar synthetic. Therefore, there is no problem in mixing 10w30 and 5w30 since one will be topping up. Mixing the viscosity of oils will not have any effect on the engine. 5w30 and 10w30 engine oils have close viscosity, and thus there is no harm in mixing them.

Will it hurt my engine to use 5w30 instead of 5w20?

Due to the increased resistance of the thicker 5W-30 oil, your engine will produce slightly lower fuel economy and horsepower output. You also risk engine damage when using 5W-30 instead of 5W-20, as the internal engine components are specifically designed to be used with 5W-20 motor oil.

What’s the difference between 5W 30 and 5W 20 oil?

The main difference between 5W-30 and 5W-20 motor oil is that the latter gives a slight bump in fuel efficiency. This translates into the strength of the 5W-30 oil keeping it from breaking down as quickly as the 5W-20 oil, providing better overall engine part protection.

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