What does front track bar do?
The track bar restricts the suspension from moving side to side, which could damage the vehicle. It connects one end of the axle to the car body on the other side of the vehicle. Both ends are connected with pivots that allow the bar to move up and down.
What is a track bar on a Jeep Wrangler?
What Does a Track Bar Do? The track bar is what maintains the axle’s perpendicular alignment with your Wrangler when viewed from the front or rear. Without it, your axle will not be tame and may drift off to one side or the other, causing steering issues.
Can you drive a Jeep without a track bar?
Yep you won’t be able to steer without the track bar there to keep the axle from moving side-to-side instead of turning when you turn the steering wheel.
How much does it cost to replace a track bar?
The average cost for track bar replacement is between $276 and $298. Labor costs are estimated between $81 and $102 while parts are priced at $195. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific vehicle or unique location. Related repairs may also be needed.
Do you need an adjustable track bar with 3 inch lift?
No at 3″, your track bar should be fine. Mine and many others have been. Do not drill a new hole for only a 3″ lift. It would be too close to the existing hole.
Does track bar affect alignment?
the track bar doesn’t effect camber, caster or toe, but track bar length will effect steer ahead.
Do alignment shops adjust track bar?
It most likely depends on who did the lift and alignment. If it was dealership then probably not unless you told them to. If it was a reputable 4×4 shop, then they would know to adjust it to center the axle.
Is track bar supposed to move?
The trackbar shouldn’t be able to move even a tiny bit at the mounting bolt. It is normal for the antiswaybar links to be able to rotate around their bushings which is so they don’t break when the axle moves up/down.
How do you center the front axle with an adjustable track bar?
Once the track bar is unbolted at the axle end, the springs will tend to center the body over the axle. Jump up & down on the bumper a few times to help it to self-center. Adjust the track bar length so its passenger side mount bolt hole lines up with the holes in the bracket. Insert the bolt.