What is the independent variable in the pineapple enzyme lab?

What is the independent variable in the pineapple enzyme lab?

Variables : The variables of the lab include: the independent variable, which is the types of pineapple put in the jello; and the dependent variable, which is the solidity of the jello after the jello has been sitting in an ice bath long enough for the control group to set.

What happens when you add pineapple to jello?

If you add fresh or frozen pineapple to jello, soon they will just float in a soup of amino acids, sugar, flavoring, and coloring agents. During the canning process the pineapple gets heated and the bromelain breaks apart. Then the bromelain is no longer active and it canot attack the gelatin. Enjoy your jello.

What effect will the enzymes in fresh pineapple have on gelatin?

There is an enzyme found in pineapple called Bromelain that breaks down proteins. Gelatin (Jello) is contains structural proteins. When the Bromelain in pineapple interacts with the proteins in Jello, the Jello proteins are degraded, and the Jello is liquified.

What do the enzymes in pineapple do?

Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelaine, which promotes digestion by helping the body break down proteins [33].

Is pineapple a natural fat burner?

Fact: Pineapple is a much publicised fruit for its fat burning properties. It was previously through that this prickly tropical fruit which contained the bromelain enzyme, helped split fat. However the truth is that it actually helps in digesting protein.

Can I lose weight by eating pineapple?

Eating Pineapple May Enhance Your Weight Loss Even if it doesn’t have a significant effect on your metabolism, it’s a good snack choice because it (and other fruits) is low in calories, high in important vitamins and minerals, and does not include saturated fats or trans fats, Andrews says.

What is pineapple good for in females?

Eating it may be particularly advantageous for women because its high vitamin C content plays an important role in supporting healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Furthermore, pineapple provides nutrients, such as copper and several B vitamins, that are important during pregnancy.

Does Pineapple raise blood pressure?

You can drink pineapple juice to control high blood pressure. The high presence of potassium in pineapple juice results in better blood pressure numbers. It is also low in sodium which makes it beneficial for hypertension patients.

Is it healthy to eat pineapple everyday?

Eating a few slices of fresh pineapple a day can defend your body from harmful free radicals and disease, help your digestion by cleaning the body’s organs and blood, increase your energy intake and boost metabolism, nourish your hair, skin, nails and teeth and keep you generally healthy – plus it tastes great!

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