What happens at the end of love Stargirl?

What happens at the end of love Stargirl?

In the end, Stargirl becomes worried that no one will show up for her solstice party, but is reassured by Archie, her former teacher, and friend from Arizona, who arrives to attend her celebration and comforts her with his wisdom. In the end, Stargirl asks Archie what she should do about missing Leo, and about Perry.

What happened in love Stargirl?

LOVE, STARGIRL picks up a year after Stargirl ends and reveals the new life of the beloved character who moved away so suddenly at the end of Stargirl. The novel takes the form of “the world’s longest letter,” in diary form, going from date to date through a little more than a year’s time.

What is the theme of the book Love Stargirl?

It’s based on sharing in the feelings of others, and wanting to brighten their lives and lessen their pain. Plus, there’s the fact that at the very end of the novel, Stargirl reclaims her identity through self-love. She realizes that you sacrifice yourself to make others happy.

What is the conflict in love Stargirl?

The main conflict in the story is about the obstacles Stargirl has to face to get over her break up with Leo and become who she was before her relationship with him.

What is the main problem in Stargirl?

Lesson Summary There are three major conflicts in Stargirl. The first is Stargirl’s struggle to either fit in or to be herself; the second is Leo’s choice to be with Stargirl or to have everyone else like him; and the third is Hillari constantly opposing Stargirl.

What does Stargirl symbolize?

Stars. Another example of symbolism used throughout the novel is the stars. Susan was inspired to rename herself ‘Stargirl’ when she was walking through the desert one night looking up at the stars. The stars represent her bright, beaming personality when she is being true to herself, or being ‘Stargirl’.

What is the lesson in Stargirl?

Lesson Summary Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli reflects the themes of conformity, individuality and kindness, especially in how the title character relates to other people in her school and town.

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