What is a wife beater called on Jersey Shore?

What is a wife beater called on Jersey Shore?

The Mario Brothers quickly solved the Case of the Clogged Toilet. Seems that one of the boys had flushed his wife-beater, although the show kept on bleeping what they actually said: “G—– tee,” which is a slang term for wife-beaters.

Why is it called wife beater?

The term wifebeater reportedly became synonymous for an undershirt after a 1947 criminal case when a Detroit man was arrested for beating his wife to death. News outlets are alleged to have printed a photo of him in a stained undershirt and referred to him as “the wife beater.”

What does Team Meatball mean?

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Deena Cortese of MTV’s hit reality series Jersey Shore got their nicknames “The Meatballs” or “Team Meatballs” from roommate Ronnie, creator of the eponymous and infamous “Ron Ron Juice,” because the party girls are both very tan, curvy and short. It’s Team Meatballs,” says Snooki.

What does it mean when a guy calls you a meatball?

A stupid, clumsy, or dull person. (slang) A stupid person.

What is another name for meatballs?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for meatball, like: coleslaw, focaccia, ravioli, couscous, gnocchi, flatbread, dumpling, tagine, garlic-bread, moussaka and tzatziki.

What does it mean to be called a meatball in an Italian family?

Polpetta/Polpetto — Meatball This is a fun, fanciful term! The masculine form is used to address a boyfriend, husband or lover. Sometimes a woman might be called Polpetta but more often, the man is the meatball. And no, it’s not at all derogatory to call someone you’re intimate with Polpetto.

What do friends call each other in Italian?

The simplest Italian translation of the English word, “friend,” is “amico” for a male and “amica” for a female. A good friend is a “buon amico” (buon amica) or “grande amico” (grande amica), your best friend is your “migliore amico” (migliore amica), and a close friend is an “amico intimo” (amica intima).

What’s Ciao Bella mean?


Is Ciao flirting Bella?

You may also hear “ciao Bella” — or “Bello” if addressing a man. It translates to “hello, beautiful,” which is a bit flirtatious, but it’s generally meant as a friendly greeting. Ciao bella is an informal Italian expression literally meaning “goodbye (or hello), beautiful.”

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