How much is bus ticket from Johannesburg to free state?
The best way to get from Johannesburg to Free State is to bus via Kroonstad which takes 6h 4m and costs R 330 – R 460.
How much is a bus ticket from Johannesburg to Nelspruit?
What are the most popular bus routes to Nelspruit?
Daily Buses | Average price | |
Buses from Johannesburg to Nelspruit | 8 | $24 |
Buses from Pretoria to Nelspruit | 5 | $24 |
Buses from Durban to Nelspruit | 67 | $37 |
Buses from Cape Town to Nelspruit | 37 | $62 |
How long is bus from Johannesburg to Mpumalanga?
Information on this bus route
Daily Buses | 7 |
Average Ticket Price | $24 |
Minimum Trip Duration | 1h15m |
Average Bus Trip Duration | 4h25m |
Bus Companies on This Route | Citiliner, Intercape |
Is there a bus from Johannesburg to Nelspruit?
Johannesburg to Nelspruit by bus. The bus journey time between Johannesburg and Nelspruit is around 4h 45m and covers a distance of around 343 km. The fastest bus normally takes 4h 45m. Services are operated by TransLux Express and InterCape.
What is the distance from Johannesburg to Durban?
311.11 mi
How much is a taxi from Nelspruit to Malelane?
The quickest way to get from Nelspruit to Malalane is to taxi which costs R 600 – R 750 and takes 40 min.
How much does it cost to get from Nelspruit to Malelane?
This bus route leaves at 12:40 from Nelspruit. On the contrary, the bus leaving at 12:40 have the most expensive ticket fare to Malelane. This bus price from Nelspruit costs about ZAR 190.00.
How many kilos Nelspruit to Barberton?
36 km
How much is a bus ticket from Johannesburg to Durban?
Information on this bus route
Daily Buses | 98 |
Minimum Price | $12 |
Average Ticket Price | $21 |
Minimum Trip Duration | 6h30m |
Average Bus Trip Duration | 8h5m |
How long does it take to travel from Johannesburg to Durban by train?
approximately 15 hours