How would you describe Abigail Adams?

How would you describe Abigail Adams?

Abigail Adams was one of only two women to have been both wife and mother to two U.S. presidents (the other being Barbara Bush). She was also famous for her early advocacy of several divisive causes, including women’s rights, female education and the abolition of slavery.

What is the famous phrase that Abigail Adams said?

remember the ladies

What was Abigail Adams personality like?

Abigail was an intelligent girl who wished that she could attend school. Her frustration over not being able to get a better education led her to argue for women’s rights later on in life. Abigail was a young lady when she first met John Adams, a young country lawyer. John was a friend of her sister Mary’s fiancé.

What is Abigail Adams occupation?

As her husband increasingly traveled as a lawyer, political revolutionary, and—after the Revolution—a diplomat, Abigail managed their farm and business affairs while raising the children. Although married women at this time had limited property rights, Adams began to refer to their property as hers.

Why did John Adams go to the Netherlands?

He is sent to the Netherlands to negotiate a loan, which would help finance the ongoing war against Great Britain. While John Quincy was off to the Court of St. Petersburg (Russia) as the secretary to Francis Dana, the American Minister, John Adams moved to Amsterdam in hopes of negotiating the much needed loan.

Did John Adams family get smallpox?

The Adams Family Inoculations John Adams had been inoculated against smallpox before his marriage. John Adams had been inoculated as a young man prior to his marriage, and long before the practice had become more acceptable in the Colonies.

Did George Washington inoculate against smallpox?

As commander of the Continental Army, Washington faced dual enemies: the British and smallpox. That’s why Washington eventually made the bold decision to inoculate all American troops who had never been sickened with smallpox at a time when inoculation was a crude and often deadly process. His gamble paid off.

When was the worst outbreak of smallpox?

A particularly virulent sequence of smallpox outbreaks took place in Boston, Massachusetts. From 1636 to 1698, Boston endured six epidemics. In 1721, the most severe epidemic occurred.

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