How does Lennie react to the idea of someone hurting George?

How does Lennie react to the idea of someone hurting George?

He enjoys torturing Lennie, until Lennie becomes angry and threatens Crooks, demanding to know “Who hurt George?” Crooks hastily backs down, promising that George will come back, and begins to talk about his childhood again, which returns Lennie to his dreams of owning the farm.

How does Lennie react to crooks upsetting him?

The more Crooks presses Lennie, the more Lennie becomes scared and upset. As Lennie circles dangerously close to Crooks, Crooks realizes the danger he is in and gently calms Lennie down, explaining that George is not hurt and that he was just “supposin’.” Crooks then talks about his own loneliness.

How does Lennie react to killing the puppy?

Lennie becomes so angry that he hurls the dead puppy across the barn. Shortly after having thrown the puppy, Lennie picks it up again, stroking it and deciding that maybe George won’t care. Curley’s wife enters the barn and asks Lennie what he has. Lennie repeats George’s instructions that he is not to talk to her.

How does Lennie react to the death of the pup how does Lennie react to the death of Curley’s wife what do these reactions reveal about Lennie?

When Lennie kills the pup, he is upset at first because he thinks that George will not let him take care of the rabbits at their dream ranch. Then he gets angry at the puppy for dying. By contrast, Lennie is upset when he kills Curley’s wife because he knows that he has done something bad.

Who ends up shooting Lennie in the end?

At the end of Of Mice and Men , George spares Lennie from Curley’s wrath by shooting Lennie in the back of the head after reciting their shared dream of owning a farm one final time.

What is Lennie’s favorite story?

What’s Lennie’s favorite story? the plan for their future happiness: though life as a ranch-hand is one of the loneliest in the world, he and Lennie have each other, and someday, as soon as they manage to save enough money, they will buy a farm together and, as Lennie puts it, “live off the fatta the lan’.

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