Which Old Testament prophet does John the Baptist dress like?

Which Old Testament prophet does John the Baptist dress like?

prophet Elijah

Why is John the Baptist compared to Elijah?

Here are a few ways that the Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist were similar. Of course, the greatest similarity was their fearlessly declaring God’s goodness and their brash and bold stand against evil as they walked by the spirit of God within them.

Who is the prophet in the Gospel of John?

The prophet was actually Jesus, but the Jews were questioning John about whether he was the prophet which Moses had foretold.

Why did John the Baptist say he wasn’t a prophet?

Another explanation could be that John’s denial of being Elijah is simply a humble refusal of being as great a prophet, so that the people could focus on Jesus and not him as the messianic forerunner. He even says in John 3:30, that Jesus must increase, while he must decrease.

What prophet did John quote when asked who he was?


Why didn’t John know he was Elijah?

John the Baptist’s body was not Elijah’s because he was born, Elijah’s body was not resurrected. John the Baptist was his own soul, not Elijah’s soul. As the others who posted comments noted, John was almost certainly aware that although he was not the same person as Elijah, he had come with Elijah’s mission.

What did Jesus mean when he said it is finished?

Hebrews 9:12, 26 So by saying “it is finished” Jesus was signaling to the Jewish world that there was no more need for sacrifices or temples because that his work brought ultimate fulfillment to what their sacrificial system foreshadowed.

What is the finished work of Jesus?

The Finished Work is a doctrine that locates sanctification at the time of conversion, afterward the converted Christian progressively grows in grace. The term finished work arises from the aphorism “It’s a Finished Work at Calvary”, referring to both salvation and sanctification. …

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