How do you use common in a sentence?

How do you use common in a sentence?

Common sentence example

  1. She will only utilize it for common good.
  2. We have a lot in common , you know?
  3. The only thing they had in common was looks!
  4. I mean, we grew up together, so we have a lot in common , but…
  5. Carmen took her to the doctor, but he said there was no cure for the common cold and not to worry about it.

What is meant by vibration in one sentence?

Vibration, periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium.

How do you use shake in a sentence?

Hybrid 280146 The ceiling over my head shook.

  1. [S] [T] He shook his head back and forth. (
  2. [S] [T] He shook his son by the shoulder. (
  3. [S] [T] Tom noticed Mary’s hands shaking. (
  4. [S] [T] He reached across the table and shook my hand. (
  5. [S] [T] They shook hands when they met at the airport. (

What is example of vibration?

The definition of a vibration is a movement back and forth, or an emotion sensed by another person. An example of a vibration is the feeling of two cymbals being slammed together. An example of a vibration is when one person gets the feeling that another person does not want to do something that has been discussed.

What are the types of vibrations?

  • Free or Natural Vibration:
  • Forced Vibrations:
  • Longitudinal Vibrations:
  • Transverse vibrations:
  • Torsional Vibrations:

What is vibration and frequency?

Frequency. A vibrating object moves back and forth from its normal stationary position. A complete cycle of vibration occurs when the object moves from one extreme position to the other extreme, and back again. The number of cycles that a vibrating object completes in one second is called frequency.

Is everything a vibration?

All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. As such, at every scale, all of nature vibrates.

What are the three types of vibration?

Machinery Vibrations can again be categorised into three types, depending on the nature of the vibrations:

  • Torsional Vibration.
  • Axial or Longitudinal Vibration.
  • Lateral Vibration.

How will you classify vibration?

The various classifications of vibration namely, free and forced vibration, undamped and damped vibration, linear and nonlinear vibration, and deterministic and random vibration are indicated.

What is vibration short answer?

Vibration means quickly moving back and forth (or up and down) about a point of equilibrium. The vibration may be periodic (having a pattern) or random. Something that is vibrating may shake at the same time. This vibration will send sound waves to the ear and to the brain.

What is vibration and its type?

A vibrating motion can be oscillating, reciprocating, or periodic. Vibration can also be either harmonic or random. Harmonic vibration occurs when a vibration’s frequency and magnitude are constant. A vibration is random when the frequency and magnitude vary with time.

What are free vibrations?

The term free vibration is used to indicate that there is no external force causing the motion, and that the motion is primarily the result of initial conditions, such as an initial displacement of the mass element of the system from an equilibrium position and/or an initial velocity.

Where are vibrations used?

Musical instruments and loudspeakers are a second example of systems which put vibrations to good use. Finally, most mechanical clocks use vibrations to measure time.

What are two types of vibration?

There are two types of vibration: whole body vibration and hand-arm vibration – both can cause ill health.

What is 1X 2X 3X in vibration?

A 1X and 2X vibration signal predominant in the axial direction is generally the indicator of a misalignment between two coupled shafts. The spectrum shows high axial vibration at 1X plus some 2X and 3X with 180° phase difference across the coupling in the axial direction.

Is constant vibration bad for you?

Whole-body vibration can cause fatigue, stomach problems, headache, loss of balance and “shakiness” shortly after or during exposure. The symptoms are similar to those that many people experience after a long car or boat trip.

Is vibration good or bad?

Advocates say that as little as 15 minutes a day of whole-body vibration three times a week may aid weight loss, burn fat, improve flexibility, enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness after exercise, build strength and decrease the stress hormone cortisol.

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