What is JSP error page?
While a JSP page is executing and processing client requests, runtime errors can occur either inside the page or outside the page (such as in a called JavaBean). This section describes the JSP error processing mechanism and provides a simple example.
Which tag in the JSP is used to define the error page?
Error page in Java Web Application JSP Servlet This error page is defined in web. xml by using tag <error-page>. <error-page> allows you to define custom error message based upon HTTP error code or any Java Exception. you can define a default error message for all exception by specifying as java.
How can a servlet call an error JSP page?
(a) This capability is not supported. (b) When the servlet throws the exception, it will automatically be caught by the calling JSP page. (c) The servlet needs to forward the request to the specific error page URL.
How will you deal with syntax errors in JSP?
There are two ways of handling exceptions in JSP. They are: By errorPage and isErrorPage attributes of page directive. By element in web.
How do I debug a JSP file?
- In the Project Explorer view, open your JSP file.
- Verify that you are using the Source page of the editor.
- From the JSP file’s context menu in the Project Explorer view, click Debug As> Debug on Server.
- In the Debug view, step through the code and make the necessary changes to the JSP file.
- Save the JSP file.
Can we use try catch in JSP?
What is JSP Exception? Exceptions occur when there is an error in the code either by the developer or internal error from the system. Exception handling in JSP is same as in java where we manage exceptions using try catch blocks. Unlike Java, there are exceptions in JSP also when there is an error in the code.
What is the difference between servlet and JSP?
Servlets are faster as compared to JSP, as they have a short response time. JSP is slower than Servlets, as the first step in the JSP lifecycle is the conversion of JSP to Java code and then the compilation of the code. Servlets are Java-based codes. JSP are HTML-based codes.