How much kale can I give my guinea pig?
When it comes to kale for guinea pigs, the general recommendation is to offer it no more than two or three times weekly, and less than that when offering other high oxalate, high calcium greens such as spinach or swiss chard.
What part of kale can guinea pigs eat?
Can guinea pig eat kale daily?
Fresh, leafy greens like kale should make up a daily part of your guinea pig’s diet. But, don’t give them kale alone. Make sure you mix things up and offer them a variety. Feeding them too much kale can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Are guinea pigs allowed kale?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat kale for sure. Kale is packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Anti-oxidants, which is a must for guinea pigs. On the other hand, kale also has high calcium and potassium in it, which can lead to bladder stones & excessive thirst in guinea pigs.
Does Kale cause bloat in guinea pigs?
The greener the leaf the more vitamin C; but be careful, because a heavy leafed plant (i.e., kale, collard greens) could cause bloat. Cabbage should not be fed to guinea pigs for this reason.
How do guinea pigs act before they die?
They become calmer, move less, eat more or less than before and are no longer as interested in their surroundings. Others show hardly any changes in behavior or the owner does not notice any difference from before. But these animals also mourn internally. Many older guinea pigs even die of grief or get sick.
Can you save a dying guinea pig?
Coping With the Loss of Your Pet. Decide how to deal with the remains. You will need to choose a method for disposing of the remains of your guinea pig once he has died. You can deal with your pet’s remains however you wish, so long as it is sanitary and the remains are kept away from children and other pets.
Is 4 old for a guinea pig?
The average lifespan for a guinea pig is about 5 to 7 years. Many vets consider four-year-old guinea pigs to be approaching their golden years, but there is no hard and fast rule. Signs of aging appear earlier in some guinea pigs, and later in others. A senior guinea pig may lose muscle tone and weight.
Is 3 years old for a guinea pig?
With proper care, guinea pigs can live to be 5 to 7 years old. Young pigs are usually sold in pet stores, but their ages are not usually documented. While there are no ways to determine an exact age of a guinea pig short of a medical exam, a few factors that come into play can give you a rough idea.
What age is a senior guinea pig?
5 years old