Is flowering kale good eating?

Is flowering kale good eating?

Flowering kale and cabbage, also called ornamental cabbage and kale, are two colorful stars of the fall garden. You can actually eat them, but they’re really grown for their pretty leaves.

Can flowering kale survive winter?

They’re considered hardy in USDA growing zones 2-11, but since hot weather inhibits leaf color and causes the stems to elongate, it’s best to grow them in the spring or fall. Because they can stand temperatures well below freezing, ornamental kale often lasts through the winter.

Is flowering kale annual or perennial?

An annual plant completes its entire growth cycle — from seed to flower to seed — in one growing season. A perennial lives for more than one and often many seasons. Kale is a biennial.

Can kale grow in summer?

Kale is a cold-hardy crop that can be planted in early spring or late summer. Cool weather brings out the sweet, nutty flavor of this highly nutritious leafy green.

Is it OK to eat kale with bug holes?

According to Joshua Melanson, an organic farmer at Pumpkin Pond Farm, “there is absolutely nothing wrong with the kale. The flea beetle creates small holes but doesn’t transmit any disease. There is simply less kale.” Apparently, it isn’t just kale that flea beetles like to feast on.

Can I eat kale that has aphids on it?

Once the aphids have been drowned and rinsed off, the greens are perfectly safe to eat. Actually, it should be safe to eat the aphids as well, it’s just unappetizing. Actually, aphids are totally edible.

How do you get rid of GREY aphids on kale?

Controlling Aphids on Kale Clip off badly infested kale leaves and immediately dispose of them in an active compost pile. Without a live plant host, they will soon perish. Follow up with a botanical spray (like those described below), insecticidal soap, or a light horticultural oil.

How do you kill aphids on kale?

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Aphids On Kale

  1. Blast Them Off The Plant With Water.
  2. Kill Aphids With Tomato Leaf Spray.
  3. Spray Your Kale With Soapy Water.
  4. Encourage Ladybugs To Eat Them.
  5. Give Up And Grow Your Kale Indoors.

How do you properly wash kale?

How to wash kale

  1. Soak chopped kale in a large bowl or container of ice water.
  2. Use a slotted spoon to remove the kale to a colander or salad spinner insert.
  3. Repeat this process if the kale is particularly dirty.
  4. Then, rinse the kale under cold running water.
  5. Finally, use a salad spinner to dry the kale thoroughly.

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