What is called Nerale Hannu in English?

What is called Nerale Hannu in English?

Nerale hannu, the Indian blackberry is also known as jamun, jambul, jamblang, jambolan, black plum, Damson plum, Duhat plum, Jambolan plum, or Portuguese plum. The botanical name is Syzgium cumini. The ripe berry has a sweet taste and it is acidic and astringent in nature.

What is the scientific name of Apple?

Malus domestica

How do you say Apple in Sanskrit?

Meanings of Apple in Sanskrit

  1. पारावतः
  2. सेवि

What is the name of banana in Sanskrit?

20 Name of Fruits in Sanskrit with Hindi and English Translation.

English Banana
Sanskrit कदलिका
IAST Transliteration kadalikā
Hindi केला

What do we call 9 in Sanskrit?


Modern Devanagari Western Arabic Words for the cardinal number
Sanskrit (wordstem)
7 sapta (सप्त)
8 aṣṭa (अष्ट)
9 nava (नव)

What is your mothers name in Sanskrit?

If you would like to know the Sanskrit name of any other relationship that you do not find in this list, you can mention it in the comment section or can contact us directly….Relations in Sanskrit–Sanskrit Names of Family Relations.

English Names of Relations Sanskrit Names of Relations Transliteration
Mother माता Mātā

What is the Sanskrit word for brother?

Pronunciation. IPA: brʌðərSanskrit: ब्रदर

What is Sanskrit word for sister?

Pronunciation. IPA: sɪstərSanskrit: सिस्टर

What is husband called in Sanskrit?

What is a husband called in Sanskrit? Definitely, there would be many names given to the word husband….What is husband called in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit Transliteration
प्राणाधिनाथः Prāṇadhināthaḥ
वेत्ता Vettā
वेत्तृ Vettṛ

What are the other names for husband?

synonyms for husband

  • companion.
  • partner.
  • spouse.
  • bridegroom.
  • consort.
  • groom.
  • helpmate.
  • mate.

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