What main kind of detail does Amy Tan use in her essay?

What main kind of detail does Amy Tan use in her essay?

The main detail that Amy Tan’s constantly describes, is the various types of english, and how her diction differs from her mother’s. Tan’s english is very confident and speaking the language is no problem to her.

What rhetorical devices does Amy Tan use in mother tongue?

Amy Tan used rhetorical devices such as anecdote and oxymoron to express her embarrassed and guilt, but loving attitude toward the broken English language of her mother.

Is Mother Tongue by Amy Tan formal?

In Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue, the english Tan used formal language when she would talk about her books, but when she would talk to her mom she would use informal language because her mom could not understand all Tan was saying. Tan says, “My mother was in the room.

What is the style and tone of mother tongue?

Tan’s writing appeals to pathos though emotion, diction, and tone. Tan uses the diction in her work to show the reader her mothers troubles mastering the English language. In addition, her tone is defensive, remorseful, and angry.

What are the advantages of mother tongue education?

Advantages of mother tongue in education Mother tongue makes it easier for children to pick up and learn other languages. Mother tongue develops a child’s personal, social and cultural identity. Using mother tongue helps a child develop their critical thinking and literacy skills.

What is the writer’s goal in writing the text why do they say that our English is bad?

It helps if you can hang out with other people who speak in English which can help promote your fluency and use in the language. So what is the writer’s goal in writing the text why do they say that our English is bad? To inform and promote what factors hinder student growth in developing their English proficiency.

What is the writer’s goal in writing the text C?

A writers goal in writing the text is to reach out to his/her readers and spread the message he wishes to give and to spread knowledge.

What is the writer’s goal in writing the text ex parte?

Answer Expert Verified The writer’s goal in writing an ex-parte motion for extension to submit compromise agreement is to persuade the court to grant an extension (more time needed). An ex-parte motion means the lawyer is pleading on behalf of one party or an outside party.

What is the writers goal in writing the text DEAR PROF Lanuza?

What is the writer’s goal in writing the text (purpose) The text was all about sponsoring Professor Lanuza’s work and inviting Professor Lanuza to a very honorable event, the 5th Annual ASEAN English Teacher’s Conference.

How much does the writer know the subject?

Answer: The writer knows much of the subject just as how much they write about it.

What is the text about text D?


HOW DID THE WRITER CHOOSE THE WORDS AND ORGANIZE THE SENTENCES? WAS THE LANGUAGE FORMAL, INFORMAL, OR CASUAL? the writer used a formal and casual language. i think the writer used also a formal and casual language.

How did the writer organize the text style in mother tongue?

HOW DID THE WRITER ORGANIZE THE TEXT? (Style) The writer organized the text by making sure that the choice of words is right and there are no grammatical errors. She didn’t use any contraction in the text and the text is not in a paragraph form. She observed proper capitalization and proper use of punctuation marks.

How did the writer organize the text ?( Style?

How does the writer organize the text?

Here are five ways you can organize ideas in your writing and be certain that your readers will get it:

  1. Chronological Order.
  2. Logical Order.
  3. Climactic Order.
  4. Random Order.
  5. Spatial Order.

What person is formal writing?

Third Person – Formal writing is not a personal writing style. The formal writer is disconnected from the topic and does not use the first person point of view (I or we) or second person (you).

What can I say instead of as well?

What is another word for as well as?

also additionally
as well still
along with further
besides furthermore
including more

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