How do you think the location of a volcano affect the magma composition?

How do you think the location of a volcano affect the magma composition?

Location of magma in the surface of the earth is affected by the arrangement of geomaterial in the interior of the earth and places near the ridges see a large volcanic eruption and have high rising mountains and all this is due the presence of magma inside the earth and bulge in the volcanoes can clearly show its …

How the composition of magma affects the force of volcanic eruptions?

Both the temperature and mineral content of magma affect how easily it flows. The viscosity (thickness) of the magma that erupts from a volcano affects the shape of the volcano. Volcanoes with steep slopes tend to form from very viscous magma, while flatter volcanoes form from magma that flows easily.

What does the magma composition determine about a volcano?

The composition of magma determines its viscosity, which affects how a lava flows and what kind of volcano forms from the lava. There are as many types of volcanic eruptions as there are eruptions. Actually more since an eruption can change character as it progresses.

How does the composition of magma change?

The magma may melt and incorporate crustal rocks that tend to contain more silica. This drives the composition towards rhyolite. The rising magma may also intersect and mix with a magma that has evolved differently. This will also change its composition.

What are the three main components of magma?

Magma and lava contain three components: melt, solids, and volatiles. The melt is made of ions from minerals that have liquefied. The solids are made of crystallized minerals floating in the liquid melt.

Which component of magma is the highest and lowest in value?

Felsic magma has the highest silica content of all magma types, between 65-70%. As a result, felsic magma also has the highest gas content and viscosity, and lowest mean temperatures, between 650o and 800o Celsius (1202o and 1472o Fahrenheit).

Why is rhyolitic magma explosive?

Explosive eruptions are favored by high gas content and high viscosity (andesitic to rhyolitic magmas). Explosive bursting of bubbles will fragment the magma into clots of liquid that will cool as they fall through the air.

What is the message of the poem Magma?

Answer. Explanation: Because every emotions inside of us has a right time to go out, so you must follow what your heart wants to do and just go with the Flow.

What are the factors that affect how rocks melt and crystallize?

  • igneous rock rock that forms when magma cools and solidifies.
  • The three factors that affect whether rock melts include temperature, pressure, and the presence of fluids in the rock.
  • Rock melts when the temperature of the rock increases to above the melting point of minerals in the rock.

What are 3 factors affect the formation of magma?

The factors that mainly affect in the formation of magma can be summarized into three: Temperature, Pressure and composition.

What are the four factors that affect melting of a rock?

What Factors Affect the Melting Temperature of Rock?

  • Heat. Heat is the most important factor affecting the melting point of rock.
  • Pressure. A great deal of pressure is inside Earth, which causes heat.
  • Water Content. The higher the water content of the rocks, the lower the melting point, meaning that they require less heat to melt.
  • Time.

What are the factors that affect the melting of magma?

The factors that mainly affect in the formation of magma can be summarized into three: Temperature, Pressure and composition. Temperature plays a role in the formation of the melts in the magma. Generally magma has a temperature range from 700-1300 degrees Celsius.

What are the four main factors involved in the formation of magma?

the formation of magma are temperature, pressure, water content, and mineral content.

What happens to the silica content of minerals as the magma cools Does it increase or decrease?

As it cools further, much of the remaining silica goes into calcium-rich plagioclase, and any silica left may be used to convert some of the olivine to pyroxene. Soon after that, all of the magma is used up and no further changes takes place.

How pressure affects the melting of rocks?

If a rock that is hot enough to be close to its melting point is moved toward the surface, the pressure is reduced, and the rock can pass to the liquid side of its melting curve. At this point, partial melting starts to take place.

How temperature and pressure affects the size of minerals formed?

How tightly the mineral structure is packed depends on the temperature and pressure. Time will determine the size the crystals reach. If magma cools to rock slowly, the crystals will be larger. If the magma cools slowly, many tiny crystals will form.

Do you think partial melting will occur if there is direct contact?

Answer. Answer: As it moves toward the surface, and especially when it moves from the mantle into the lower crust, the hot magma interacts with the surrounding rock. This typically leads to partial melting of the surrounding rock because most such magmas are hotter than the melting temperature of crustal rock.

Do you think partial melting will occur?

Answer: A.No. There is NO partial melting because there should be a decrease of pressure in the asthenosphere.

Do you think partial melting will occur if the pressure is high?

High temperature and High pressure will induce partial melting as pressure produces more volatiles and temperature breaks down molecular bonds of rocks.

What are the factors of partial melting?


  • Temperature.
  • Composition. Water Content (an additional component, lowers melting temperature)
  • Pressure (decrease of pressure favors melt, less dense packing is allowed)

What is the role of volatiles in the partial melting rocks?

Volatiles are substances that rapidly evaporates like water, alcohol, acetone, methane, ammonia, etc. Solid rocks have different compositions and minerals with varying melting points. The role of volatiles in the partial melting of rocks are: They cause the lowering of melting point of rock minerals.

Why is magma formed from partial melting?

Rocks, in both the mantle layer and the crust, begin to melt only in exceptional circumstances. Since some rock-forming minerals have lower melting temperatures than others, it is normal for partial melting to take place, the resulting magma being squeezed out of the parent rock and upward toward the surface.

What happen to the temperature of rocks during partial melting?

Partial melting occurs when the temperature on a rock is high enough to melt only some of the minerals in the rock. The minerals that will melt will be those that melt at lower temperatures. This process describes the crystallization of different minerals as magma cools.

At what temperature does rock melt?

2,400 degrees Fahrenheit

What are two ways that mantle rock can melt without an increase in temperature?

Mantle rock can melt without an increase in temperature if there is a decrease in pressure exerted by overlaying rock layers. This is called decompression melting. Rocks can also melt in the mantle due to dehydration. A subducting slab carries with it water as it is pulled into the mantle.

At what temperature does diorite form?


What can diorite turn into?

It is used as a base material in the construction of roads, buildings, and parking areas. It is also used as a drainage stone and for erosion control. In the dimension stone industry, diorite is often cut into facing stone, tile, ashlars, blocking, pavers, curbing, and a variety of dimension stone products.

How is diorite created?

How was it formed? Diorite formed deep within the Earth’s crust from cooling magma that never made it to the surface. It usually occurs as quite small intrusions often associated with larger intrusions like granite. Slow cooling produces the large crystals.

Where is diorite most commonly found?

Diorite. Diorite is an intrusive rock intermediate in composition between gabbro and granite. It is produced in volcanic arcs, and in mountain building where it can occur in large volumes as batholiths in the roots of mountains (e.g. Scotland, Norway).

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