How do I prepare for IB English Paper 2?

How do I prepare for IB English Paper 2?

The first level Make sure you have a solid knowledge of the following aspects for each of your texts: 3 to 5 major themes in your text. 3 to 5 major characters in your text (don’t worry about characters if you’re analysing poems for Paper 2) 3 to 5 major techniques that are particularly important.

What does English Paper 2 consist of?

Paper 2: Literature (includes the study of novels, drama, short stories and poetry. A Mind the Gap study guide is available for each of the prescribed literature titles. Choose the study guide for the set works you studied in your EFAL class at school); and. Paper 3: Writing (Essays and transactional texts).

How can I learn English Paper 2?

How do I study efficiently in such a short period of time?

  1. Step 1: Do a past paper.
  2. Step 2: Make a detailed list of things to do.
  3. Step 3: Work on the module that you know you can improve easily.
  4. Step 4: Work on the module you struggle with the most.
  5. Step 5: Choose the module which you are most confident with and revise.

How do you write an introduction to a paper 2?

The introductory paragraph  Opens with a conceptual response to the question  Including framing (defining) the key terms  State the two texts you will focus on  Thesis: 3 stylistic features in the two works which make the works suitable as examples for the question (may be more than one sentence).

What is the HL English essay?

What is the HL essay? The HL essay is a component that requires candidates to write a 1200-1500 word formal essay, following a line of inquiry of their own choice into one of the texts studied. HL Language A: language and literature candidates will have a choice between writing about a non-literary or literary text.

How do I write an IB application?

How to Write an IB Application Essay

  1. Proficient English. The first thing to work on is your English, especially if this is a foreign language to you.
  2. Introduction. Your intro should consist of one paragraph, but it must catch the reader’s attention at once.
  3. Main part. The main part should consist of several paragraphs.
  4. Do not boast.

How do you end a historiography essay?

Like all interpretive and argumentative essays, a historiographical essay should have an introduction defining its subject and offering a preview of the following argument, and it should end with a conclusion in which you look back over what you have said, summarize your most important findings, and leave the reader …

How long is a critical book review?

purpose in writing/thesis/argument, did you find the work generally successful, partially successful, flawed, etc? Your review is a short critical essay of approximately 1000-1250 words or 4-5 pages.

How do you write a good book review for college?

In general, you should include:

  1. The name of the author and the book title and the main theme.
  2. Relevant details about who the author is and where he/she stands in the genre or field of inquiry.
  3. The context of the book and/or your review.
  4. The thesis of the book.
  5. Your thesis about the book.

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