What is a pretentious person like?

What is a pretentious person like?

Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed. The root of the word is the verb ‘pretend’, and in this context a pretentious person is someone who pretends to be someone or something she/he is not – which sounds even worse than the Oxford definition.

Is being pretentious bad?

Generally, being pretentious isn’t bad, it’s neutral. Pretending to be better than someone else is bad but pretending to be better than you really are is good, this is why they say, act as if, pretending to be a better you can actually manifest a better you, there’s nothing wrong with than.

What is another word for pretentious?

other words for pretentious

  • arty.
  • exaggerated.
  • grandiose.
  • hollow.
  • overblown.
  • pompous.
  • stilted.
  • turgid.

What does pretentious mean in a sentence?

adjective. If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. [disapproval] His response was full of pretentious nonsense. Synonyms: affected, mannered, exaggerated, pompous More Synonyms of pretentious.

What is an example of pretentious?

The definition of pretentious is someone or something that claims to be very important or grand. An example of pretentious is someone saying they deserve a table in a crowded restaurant because of who they are. Making claims, explicit or implicit, to some distinction, importance, dignity, or excellence.

What is an example of portentous?

Portentous is defined as causing awe or wonder. An example of portentous is the opening gate of a brightly lit carnival. Portentous means self-important. An example of portentous is a professor’s lecture that is more about his own experiences than about teaching a subject.

What does pretentious mean simple?

adjective. characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter. making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious.

What does pretentious mean in English?

a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him— Richard Watts. b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature pretentious language pretentious houses.

What do you call someone who pretends to be nice?

phoney. adjective. informal someone who is phoney pretends to be friendly, clever, kind etc.

How do you deal with a pretentious person?

7 Polite Ways to Put Pretentious People in Their Place …

  1. 1 Ignore the Behavior. With any type of bad behavior, you have to ignore it when you want to put people in their place.
  2. 2 Maintain Indifference. There are some things you just can’t ignore, however.
  3. 3 Stand up for Your Opinions.
  4. 4 Never Act Impressed.
  5. 5 Confront the Behavior.
  6. 6 Assert Your Authority.
  7. 7 Ask “Why?” Incessantly.

Can a person be ostentatious?

A pretentious person is pretending (same etymology) to be something or someone he or she is not. An ostentatious person, on the other hand, delights in flaunting who he or she is and/or what they have. An expression which may reflect the lifestyle of the “rich and famous” is “conspicuous consumption”!

What is it called when you show off your money?

ostentation. noun. a show of something such as money, power, or skill that is intended to impress people.

Is ostentatious a negative word?

Sometimes the description appears in the negative, as when we’re told that a house is large, but not ostentatious, which means that it’s large but not in a way that calls attention to itself.

What do you call someone who flaunts their money?

“Braggart” is the word for those who flaunts his or her achievements, knowledge or possession. My personal favorite word is “Ostentatious” for those who vaunts of his or her wealth knowledge or achievements. It’s an adjective. Its noun is “Ostentatiousness​”.6 Apr 2017.

What do we call a person who spends foolishly and wastes their money?

Spendthrift is a noun that means “a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way.” Careless or wasteful way can be manipulated as Foolishly.

What is an extremely intelligent person called?

intellect. noun. someone who is extremely intelligent.

What is a super smart person called?

gormless. [chiefly British], half-witted, knuckleheaded, lamebrain.

What to call someone who knows a lot about a lot?


What do you call a child genius?

A child prodigy is defined in psychology research literature as a person under the age of ten who produces meaningful output in some domain to the level of an adult expert. Wunderkind also is used to recognize those who achieve success and acclaim early in their adult careers.

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