What is transformative reflection?
Mezirow’s transformative learning is defined as “an orientation which holds that the way learners interpret and reinterpret their sense experience is central to making meaning and hence learning.” Put in simple terms, transformative learning is the idea that learners who are getting new information are also evaluating …
What does societal transformation result in?
Societal transformation is then the result when different changes in subsystems reinforce each other and give overall development of society a direction (e.g. sustainability).
What is the meaning of economic transformation?
In economics, economic transformation refers to the continuous process of (1) moving labour and other resources from lower- to higher-productivity sectors (structural change or structural transformation) and (2) raising within-sector productivity growth.
What is the difference between change and transformation?
Change uses external influences to modify actions, but transformation modifies beliefs so actions become natural, thereby achieving the desired result.
How does law play role in transformation of the society?
Law plays an important indirect role in regard to social change by shaping a direct impact on society. For example, a law designed to prohibit polygamy. Law plays an agent of modernization and social change. It is also an indicator of the nature of societal complexity and its attendant problems of integration.
Why law is important to our society?
Without the existence of a law, there would be the situation of chaos and conflicts among communities and social groups. Law is man-made and is very important as it introduces justice to the society. The main function of law is to ensure all-round development of people by providing security, peace, and protection.
Why is it important to obey the laws?
Your reason to obey the one-way sign is independent of sanctions or legitimacy — it’s simply to coordinate with people.” But law also works expressively by signaling information about risk or public attitudes that causes people to update their behavior. “Either of these could change behavior,” McAdams said.
What is the purpose of the law?
The law serves many purposes. Four principal ones are establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights.
Why do we obey authority figures?
In everyday situations, people obey orders because they want to get rewards, because they want to avoid the negative consequences of disobeying, and because they believe an authority is legitimate. People justify their behavior by assigning responsibility to the authority rather than themselves.
What is the effect of obedience on behavior?
Obeying orders from an authority figure can sometimes lead to disturbing behavior. This danger was illustrated in a famous study in which participants were instructed to administer painful electric shocks to another person in what they believed to be a learning experiment.
What are the four factors that influence obedience according to Milgram?
According to your text, what are the four factors that influence obedience according to Milgram? – The four factors that influence obedience are authenticity and closeness of the authority figure, remoteness (neutrality) of the victim, assignment of responsibility, and representation or imitating others.