How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?

How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?


  1. A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words.
  2. Use a hyphen in a compound modifier when the modifier comes before the word it’s modifying.
  3. If you’re not sure whether a compound word has a hyphen or not, check your preferred dictionary.

How do you use dashes and hyphens?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. A dash is longer than a hyphen and is commonly used to indicate a range or a pause. The most common types of dashes are the en dash (–) and the em dash (—).

What does a hyphen between words mean?

A hyphen is a bit of punctuation used to join together two (or more) different words. When you use two words together as a single thought describing or modifying a noun and you put them before the noun, you should hyphenate them. For example: there’s off-street parking here. chocolate-covered raisins.

When can you use a dash in writing?


  1. To set off material for emphasis. Think of dashes as the opposite of parentheses.
  2. To indicate sentence introductions or conclusions.
  3. To mark “bonus phrases.” Phrases that add information or clarify but are not necessary to the meaning of a sentence are ordinarily set off with commas.
  4. To break up dialogue.

What are some examples of symbol?

Some of the most popular symbols are:

  • Heart symbol: this represents love, compassion and health.
  • Dove symbol: this represents peace, love, and calm.
  • Raven symbol: this represents death and doom.
  • Tree symbol: this represents growth, nature, stability, and eternal life.
  • Owl symbol: this represents wisdom and intelligence.

What flowers are associated with death?

Chrysanthemum: In America, this gorgeous flower has many meanings, but it is often used as an expression of support or an encouragement to “get well soon.” In many countries in Europe, the chrysanthemum is placed on graves and viewed as a symbol of death.

What is a hyphen look like?

Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( – ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the “0” key on US keyboards. Pictured is an example of the hyphen and underscore key on top of the keyboard.

How do you use a hyphen in writing?

At the end of a line of writing

  1. If possible, put the hyphen between two parts of a compound word (eg.
  2. Otherwise, put the hyphen before a suffix (understand -ably, instead of understa -ndably) or after a prefix (mono- transitive, instead of monot- ransitive).

Is a hyphen the same as a dash?

A hyphen joins two or more words together while a dash separates words into parenthetical statements. The two are sometimes confused because they look so similar, but their usage is different. Hyphens are not separated by spaces, while a dash has a space on either side.

Do you use a hyphen when writing numbers?

Use a hyphen when writing two-word numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine (inclusive) as words. But don’t use a hyphen for hundreds, thousands, millions and billions.

What is long hyphen called?

The hyphen, the em dash and the en dash are the straight arrows among punctuation marks, an otherwise fairly curvaceous lot. So is the em dash (—), more often called the long dash, or sometimes just the dash.

What is this symbol called?

British vs. American English

British English American English
The ” . ” symbol is called A full stop a period
The ” ! ” symbol is called an exclamation mark an exclamation point
The ” ( ) ” symbols are called brackets parentheses
The ” [ ] ” symbols are called square brackets brackets

What is the long hyphen used for?

The longer em dash (—) is used to separate extra information or mark a break in a sentence.

What is double hyphen used for?

Double dashes are used instead of commas (or parentheses) to interrupt a sentence. The phrase separated by dashes must be grammatically inessential, by which I simply mean that the sentence will still work without that phrase.

How do you use two hyphens in a sentence?

Rule 1. Generally, hyphenate two or more words when they come before a noun they modify and act as a single idea. This is called a compound adjective. When a compound adjective follows a noun, a hyphen is usually not necessary.

What do dashes mean in writing?

Grammarly. · Grammar. A dash is a little horizontal line that floats in the middle of a line of text (not at the bottom: that’s an underscore). It’s longer than a hyphen and is commonly used to indicate a range or a pause. Dashes are used to separate groups of words, not to separate parts of words like a hyphen does.

What does a hyphen mean?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. A dash is longer than a hyphen and is commonly used to indicate a range or a pause.

Are em dashes informal?

Use an em dash sparingly in formal writing. In informal writing, em dashes may replace commas, semicolons, colons, and parentheses to indicate added emphasis, an interruption, or an abrupt change of thought. Examples: A semicolon would be used here in formal writing.

How do you write a list in a sentence?

Format for Lists

  1. Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list.
  2. Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc.
  3. Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the parentheses, but use them consistently.

How do you list in grammar?

Use a colon to introduce an item or list, if the list comes after a complete sentence or independent clause. For example: There are three things every dog needs: food, water and healthcare.

How do I check my grammar mistakes?

To check your grammar, click on the Check Grammar button. The system will check for common punctuation errors, common grammar mistakes and ESL grammar errors, false cognates, contextual spelling errors, and word choice errors. The results of the grammar-check are listed below the text area.

How can I check my English sentence?

Ginger uses groundbreaking technology to detect grammar and spelling errors in sentences and to correct them with unmatched accuracy. From singular vs plural errors to the most sophisticated sentence or tense usage errors, Ginger picks up on mistakes and corrects them. Grammar checking has never been easier and faster.

How do I check my online sentence?

Grammarly’s online grammar checker scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond.

  1. Eliminate grammar errors.
  2. Fix tricky spelling errors.
  3. Say goodbye to punctuation errors.
  4. Enhance your writing.

How many words are in a text?

The number of characters that can fit in a standard text message is 160 characters. Text messages or SMS messages that exceed 160 characters will often be split into two separate messages.

What are the steps to learn English grammar?

Here are 8 steps to learn grammar easily on your own.

  1. #1 Learn as many words as you can. To learn grammar easily, the basic element of any language is words.
  2. #2 Talk to people.
  3. #3 Watch and learn.
  4. #4 Ask for corrections.
  5. #5 Know the parts of speech.
  6. #6 Look for patterns.
  7. #7 Practice verb forms.
  8. #8 Use an app.

How can I learn English by myself?

Five ways to improve your English by yourself

  1. Place labels around your home. Whether it be grammar or vocabulary, memorisation is a part of learning English.
  2. Start a blog. Starting an online blog or journal can be a simple (and free) way to develop you writing skills.
  3. Change your phone settings.
  4. Read for interest.
  5. Write summaries.

How can I learn best English grammar?

Below we put forward some effective ways to learn & improve English grammar.

  1. Make a commitment.
  2. Keep a grammar book at your disposal.
  3. Utilise a grammar app.
  4. Practise everyday.
  5. Learn new words.
  6. Read more in English.
  7. Listen in English.
  8. Try and communicate in English with your teacher and friends.

What are basic English words?

English has tons of basic words you need to know….English Nouns

  • People. People (and the singular ‘person’) is a basic English word for someone learning the basics of the language.
  • Thing.
  • Time.
  • Day.
  • Man.
  • Woman.
  • Child.

What are the 10 most common words in English?

The 100 most common words in English

1. the 21. at 41. there
10. it 30. word 50. if
11. he 31. but 51. will
12. was 32. not 52. up
13. for 33. what 53. other

What is a word with 5 letters?

5-letter words

  • about.
  • above.
  • abuse.
  • actor.
  • acute.
  • admit.
  • adopt.
  • adult.

What is the most common words in English?

100 most common words

Word Parts of speech OEC rank
the Article 1
be Verb 2
to Preposition 3
of Preposition 4

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