We receive this Thursday, February 4, Jean-Pierre Poulain at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (site Descartes) to a conference on obesity
Obesity, an object for social sciences ?
Jean-Pierre POULAIN
Professor of sociology, University of Toulouse Le Mirail
Thursday February 4, 2010 at 18 hours at room F008
Obesity has continued in recent years to mobilize the medical community to question the various scientific bodies, to challenge the world policy and at regular intervals the headlines of the media. What can be the contribution of social sciences to the understanding and support of this topic became “society” ? The social dimensions of obesity cannot be reduced to its social determinants, and it is therefore necessary to take into account the scientific controversies that pass through this question in order to update the games of competition between players in the medical system, the agri-food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the media and various concerned departments.
Jean-Pierre Poulain is professor of sociology at The University of Toulouse le Mirail. He is notably the author of Sociologies of food (Puf, 2002), and recently the Sociology of obesity (Puf, 2009).
The meeting is hosted by Frédérique Giraud.