The websites of the Collège de France on

It is worth mentioning the creation of two sites that are hosted on around the College of France.

– A site hosting the inaugural lectures at the Collège de France, where you can find online, and free access to the inaugural lectures

The first class of a new professor at the Collège de France is his inaugural lecture. It is an opportunity for him to situate his / her work and his teaching are compared to those of its predecessors and the more recent developments of the research. The inaugural lectures up a picture of the state of knowledge and contribute as well to the history of each discipline.

Published by the Collège de France from 1949, and by the editions Fayard since 2003, the inaugural lectures of the Collège de France were added to the collection of Books of They will now be simultaneously published in their paper version and electronic.

Each volume of this electronic edition consists of the presentation of the teacher by the administrator of the Collège de France and the video recording of the lesson. To this day, eight recent lessons are accessible in full-text. The earlier lessons will be put online progressively.

– A site containing the Lectures of the Collège de France, where you can find the full text of the conferences

The fifty-seven chairs of the College de France regularly organize seminars and symposia where researchers from around the world. Every year, many foreign scientists and, within the chairs and laboratories, researchers, young phd students and more established, undertake innovative work. The collection of Lectures at the College de France , intended to give an account of this scientific activity and to make it known to a wide public in France and abroad.

The Lectures at the Collège de France are a collection of electronic new ; she joined today the Books of The first book of the collection, The plurality interpretative, is already available in full text.

It is also noted the opening of two other sites : The letter of the Collège de France, and The Annuaire of the Collège de France

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