Equality between men and women : can do better !


Egalité hommes-femmes : peut mieux faire !

Terra Nova has released yesterday its final report on the equality of men and women. And the results are not good !

At the time of the famous Petit bateau, disclaims yet its the bodys version of girl and boy,1 the approximation of the conditions of men and women mark. Unequal pay, unequal division of household tasks, unequal access to economic decision-making… in all areas, since the mid-1990s, there was stagnation or regression alarmed the authors of the report.

This is a total of 48 proposals that are on the rapporteurs to make a move in the right direction for the equality of men and women. Classified by theme (health, work, couple/family, politics, violence, education/training, etc.), these proposals are both practical (to Extend the current paternity leave to eight weeks, proposal 39), or idealistic (Prohibit meetings starting before 9 am and after 18 hours in administrations, large companies, universities, laboratories, etc, proposal 36; Introduce college and high school courses home economics (cooking, cleaning, consumption, food, child care), as well for boys as for girls (proposal 27))

The stated objective : “to make gender equality not only in the case of women (such as activists or beneficiaries) or the State (as a relay of the claims and embodiment of the social progress), but also of the men themselves, as subjects and actors. “The first way : the dissemination of the report and ownership of the proposals.

Small selection of my proposals preferred choice perfectly assumed as subjective)

Proposal 2 : Do not penalize women in their careers because of maternity

Proposal 5 : to Establish equality of actual earnings between women and men.

Proposal 6 : Déprécariser the unwanted part-time and increase the value of pensions of women. Rethink your retirement plans so that they do not penalize women.

Proposal 15 : to Fight against all violence against women.

Proposal 16 : to Fight against the presentation of gender toys.

Proposal 17 : On the whole body touched up for advertising purposes (display, magazines, ads, packaging), to impose a signage ” Photograph retouched to modify the body appearance “.


A few links :

– The file of the Observatory of inequalities

– Readings : a book, an article


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