How do you write a philosophy paper outline?

How do you write a philosophy paper outline?

  1. a clear, concise introduction that states what the paper will argue and how.
  2. several arguments in favor of your position. These arguments should be fully developed, i.e., you should anticipate and refute possible counter-arguments to your points.
  3. a conclusion that summarizes your position and the way you have argued it.

Which is not a heterodox philosophy?

Which of the following is not school of Heterodox Indian Philosophy? Explanation: The Schools of Indian Philosophy that do not accept the authority of Vedas are by definition unorthodox (nastika) systems. Vaisheshika school of Indian Philosophy is orthodox school Indian Philosophy. Hence, A is the correct option.

What do you mean by heterodox philosophy?

Nyaya philosophy relies on several pramanas i.e. means of obtaining true knowledge as its epistemology. According to it, the pradhan pramana or principal means of obtaining knowledge is pratyaksha pramana i.e. the knowledge obtained through the 5 senses.

What are the four schools of philosophy?

After the death of Alexander the Great four schools of philosophy were created, and they are: The Cynics, The Sceptics, The Epicureans, The Stoics. The Cynics are known as the nonconformist of the ancient world.

Which is the oldest school of philosophy?


What are the six philosophical schools of Hinduism?

Hindu philosophy encompasses the philosophies, world views and teachings that emerged in Ancient India. These include six systems (shad-darśana) – Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta. In Indian tradition, the word used for philosophy is Darshana.

Does samkhya philosophy believe in the existence of God?

The Samkhya system did not involve belief in the existence of God, without ceasing to… The Samkhya school assumes the existence of two bodies, a temporal body and a body of “subtle” matter that persists after biological death. When the former body has perished, the latter migrates to another temporal body.

Who is the profounder of Sankhya philosophy?

Sage Kapila

What are the main aims of education in samkhya philosophy?

Paramarthic or Ultimate Aims of Education: Moksha is the ultimate aim of human life and therefore ultimate aim of education. Moksha i.e. liberation needs to be defined in their perspective.

What are the 24 Tattvas?

Five gross elements

  • prthvi (earth)
  • jala (water)
  • tejas (fire)
  • vāyu (air)
  • ākāśa (ether or space)

What are the 5 Tattvas?

These elements of tattvas are:

  • Akash (Sky or Space)
  • Vayu (Air)
  • Jal (Water)
  • Agni (Fire)
  • Prithvi (Earth)

What are the 24 cosmic principles?

24 Tattvas

  • Brahman/Paramahiva (The Formless Source)
  • Puruha / hiva (Pure Being / Consciousness Divine Masculine)
  • 1) Prakti / hakti (Pure Nature / Will Divine Feminine)
  • Sattva (Quality of equilibrium, clarity, and potential)
  • Tamas (Quality of inertia, dullness, darkness)

What are the 5 Tanmatras?

There are five sense perceptions – hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell, and there are the five tanmatras corresponding to the five sense perceptions and five sense-organs.

What is Pancha Bhutas called in English?


Bhoota (Element) Human Body Component Associated Finger
Vayu (Air) Air Index Finger
Agni (Fire) Body Heat Thumb
Jal/Varuna (Water) Water (incl blood) Little Finger
Prithvi/Bhumi (Earth) Flesh, bones & organs Ring Finger

What are the Pancha Indriyas?

Each sense is dominated by the 5 different elements according to Ayurveda; Earth, water, fire, air and ether. All elements are present in each sensory experience.

Which Panchamahabhuta is associated with movement?

Influence of panchamahabhuta in embryogenesis

Mahabhuta Body constituents and functions
Vayu Tangibility, sense of touch, roughness, impulsion, structuring of body tissues and maintaining of movements of the body and dosha
Agni Visible form, vision, brightness, digestion and heat

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