How do you say a beautiful place?

How do you say a beautiful place?


  1. picturesque. adjective. a picturesque place or scene is attractive, especially because it is old and interesting.
  2. unspoiled. adjective. an unspoiled place has not been changed in ways that make it less beautiful or enjoyable.
  3. pretty. adjective.
  4. panoramic. adjective.
  5. favoured. adjective.
  6. picture-postcard. adjective.

How do you describe a perfect view?

Here are some adjectives for view: financial or pecuniary, excellent uninterrupted, obvious and uncomplicated, swift panoramic, fine panoramic, excellent nether, beautiful panoramic, healthily paranoid, broader, forward-looking, broader, overall, breathtaking panoramic, comic and wholly philosophic, usually …

How do you write a beautiful scenery?

Writing Tips for How to Write Scenery in Novels

  1. Describe a Particular Place. When writing a novel, make sure that your scenery is specific to the place in which you have set your story.
  2. Use the Senses. When you describe scenery, be sure to use all five senses to fully convey the setting.
  3. Be Relevant.
  4. Work Throughout the Story.

What can I say instead of nice picture?

Synonyms for Nice photo

  • good photo. n.
  • nice picture. n.
  • good picture. n.
  • beautiful picture. n.
  • great picture. n.
  • great shot. n.
  • pretty picture. n.
  • great photo. n.

How do you say cool in a nice way?

The ebook also contains four more words for “cool” that are not mentioned in this article.

  1. Awesome. When to use it: When you’re extremely impressed with something.
  2. Sweet. When to use it: When something is pleasing to you.
  3. Killer. When to use it: When referring to something excellent.
  4. Dope.
  5. Chill.
  6. Sick.
  7. Bad ass.
  8. Bitchin’

What should I say instead of good?


  • adj.pleasant, fine.
  • adj.moral, virtuous.
  • adj.competent, skilled.
  • adj.useful, adequate.
  • adj.reliable; untainted.
  • adj.kind, giving.
  • adj.authentic, real.
  • adj.well-behaved.

How do you say good quality?

Good-quality Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for good-quality?

superior excellent
exceptional fine
good outstanding
premium top-quality
a cut above choice

Is it correct to say Im good?

Therefore, “I’m good,” is a proper response. “I’m well” is also allowed but not for the reasons many think. That response only works if “well” takes on its adjectival form, meaning “in good health” or “good or satisfactory.” Now, if someone asks “How are you doing?” “I’m doing well” is the correct response.

What should I reply for I am fine?

So you might reply — Doing really well! Notice that we can use the verb ‘to do’ when expressing how we feel. This is very common. You can also say — I’m doing fine, I’m doing good or I’m doing just great.

What is the correct response to how are you?

The correct response is “Fine, and you?” That’s it. Fine and you. Or some variation, like “Good, how about yourself?” Or “Doing fine, and you?”

Is saying im good rude?

However it could be construed as saying “I’m self sufficient and I don’t want your help.” I’m good is a more idiomatic way of saying “I’m well, thank you.” Here is some context for the expression: Depending on the tone, you are saying in either a very direct way or even a rude way “I don’t want your help.”

What does I’m fine mean from a guy?

6. “I’m fine.” This is exactly the same as a woman saying it. He’s not fine, but he doesn’t want to talk about it and he isn’t going to tell you what is going on.

What do I say if a girl calls me cute?

On those occasions where someone has called me cute, I will usually say something like:

  • Thank you!
  • Thank you! So are you.
  • You take that back! I’m not cute, I’m fierce!
  • My dear lady, are you flirting with me?
  • The cuteness is a facade to conceal my evil, evil heart.

Is it rude to say fine?

Why it doesn’t work: “The word ‘fine’ is often used in conversation as a form of compliance. It can have a negative or positive tone, but it is mostly perceived as rude and dismissive,” says Bessey. “It is best to err on the side of caution and replace ‘fine’ with ‘good.

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