Which is correct the family has or have?
“Family,” as a singular noun is used with the singular verb “has.” “My family has…” is correct. But if you refer to the individuals instead of the group, the verb changes. “Members of my family have….”
Is it correct to say my family and I?
“I” is nominative. “Me” is accusative. Although “me and my family” is not incorrect, there is a convention of good manners that one should put the other person or people before oneself in a sentence.
Do you say you and your family or your family and you?
Which is correct, “you and your family IS,” or “you and your family ARE”? Ask The Editor | Learner’s Dictionary. You should use are because “you and your family” is a plural subject. When the subject of a sentence has two parts joined by “and” it makes the subject plural, so you should use a plural verb.
Is family a subject?
Sometimes the subject comes after the verb. Lives is the action verb in this sentence, but it is not the house or the backyard that is doing the living. Instead, it is the family with ten noisy children. Family, then, is the subject of this sentence, even though it comes after the verb.
Is family a person or thing?
Grammatically speaking, the noun “family” (like “class,” “committee,” “orchestra,” “faculty,” and so on) is a thing, even though it’s made up of people. So your example should read “families that eat together.”
Who are our family members?
Relatives and Extended Family
- grandparents: the parents of your parents. grandfather: the father of your father/mother.
- uncle: the brother (or brother-in-law) of your mother/father.
- father-in-law: the father of your spouse.
- “Step-” means that you are related as a result of one parent marrying again.
How do you call a girl beautiful in a cute way?
Ways to Say You Are Beautiful
- You look gorgeous!
- You look as pretty as always!
- You look drop dead gorgeous!
- I think you are very attractive!
- Wow, you are gorgeous!
- I think you are stunning!
- I think you are super cute!
- You look absolutely fantastic!