The paradoxes of naturalization. Survey of young people of immigrant origin. A book of Arnaud Frauenfelder (L’harmattan, coll. “Sociological issues “, 2007, 390 p., 31,50 €)
Considering the nationality as a capital-specific, including legal, Arnaud Frauenfelder part of the premise according to which nationality was discriminated against. “Instrument of closing social “, status restricted, there are strict rules of access to nationality. The book The paradoxes of naturalization. Survey of young people of immigrant origin opens the black box of the nationality, by updating the concrete processes of an atypical fashion access to citizenship : naturalization. Arnaud Frauenfelder focuses on a cohort of children of immigrants, born and educated in Switzerland from the end of the years 70, the cohort that is engaged in a process of naturalization in the 90s. It is a matter of “understanding of citizenship” from the bottom “, that is to say, from the logic of ordinary acquisition or abstention of some of its potential users “(p. 17), in objectivant ” trajectories of naturalization “.
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