What makes something a monument?

What makes something a monument?

A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person or event, or which has become relevant to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage, due to its artistic, historical, political, technical or architectural importance.

What is the importance of monuments?

Old buildings teach us about the history that happened before we were born and promotes the respect for those who lived in different times and different societies. Architectural monuments cultivates pride of our past and heritage making us unique in the world.

What do we learn from monuments?

The study of a monument helps the students construct History through observation. The activity generates interest in historical buildings and develops observation skills. It also develops their aesthetic sensibilities and instills an appreciation of elements of architecture and our cultural heritage.

What is the purpose of memorials and monuments?

Memorials and monuments are designed to convey forceful messages about the events or individuals they commemorate. Each has embedded in it a particular perspective, an interpretation, a set of values or judgments.

How does the study of monuments help the historians?

Some of the import archaeological sources used by historians to reconstruct history has been the monuments. They help to explain chronology of events, important developments as they are substantiated by material evidences like coins, monuments, art and architecture.

What are the benefits of visiting a historic site?

Regardless of our fields of study or interests, visiting historical sites can lead to a deeper engagement with historical events and give us an opportunity to develop a fuller appreciation for those who lived before us. When taken seriously, these experiences can be invaluable.

Why is visiting historic site shrines landmarks and museums important in the study of history?

It can happen that at museums and historic sites you get better information than what you would see on the internet, or even in many legit books. In addition, actually seeing things in context can help develop one’s understanding of events, characters, etc… In some ways.

What are the important events in the Philippines history?

Philippines historical timeline

  • c.40,000 BC. Migrants cross land bridge from Asian mainland and settle in the archipelago.
  • AD 900. Chinese establish coastal trading posts over the next 300 years.
  • late 14th century. Muslim clergy start to bring Islam to the Philippines from Indonesia and Malaya.
  • 1521.
  • 1543.
  • 1872.
  • 1892.
  • 1896.

What are the issues problems in the Philippine local history?

One of the major problems in the writing of Philippine history stems from inadequate knowledge of historical conditions in the rural Philippines. The problem is further complicated by a tendency to treat society as a monolithic structure susceptible to outside influence and change at a uniform rate.

What are the top 5 environmental problems in the Philippines?

Top 5 Environmental Problems in the Philippines (via PSST.PH)

  • Pollution. Pollution, in context, is the introduction of contaminants into the environment causing adverse change.
  • Global warming due to emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Overpopulation.
  • Natural resources depletion.
  • Waste disposal.

What are the issue in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, conflict and violence are generated by poverty, inequality (both political power and economic resources in the hands of an elite), marginalization and poor governance.

What is the social issue in the Philippines?

Contents: 1- The Nature of Social Problems; 2- Poverty; 3- Deprivation of Basic Services; 4- Unemployment and Underemployment; 5- Street Children; 6- Crime; 7- Graft and Corruption; 8- Prostitution; 9- Drug Dependency; 10- Rapid Population Growth; 11- Environmental Degradation; 12- AIDS; 13- Some Other Pressing Social …

What are the social issues in Philippine history?

The most common social issues portrayed in the selected short stories are graft and corruption, poverty, prostitution, dishonesty, rebellion, oppression of the poor, racial discrimination, concubinage, and suppression of the freedom of the press.

Is teenage pregnancy a social issue in the Philippines?

A November 2020 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey found that Filipinos think teenage pregnancy is the “most important problem of women today” in the Philippines. The Commission on Population and Development has noted the alarming rise in teen pregnancies in recent years.

Why teenage pregnancy is increasing?

Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being. Girls must be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and futures and have access to appropriate healthcare services and education.

How does teenage pregnancy affect you emotionally?

These symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, difficulty concentrating, trouble eating, and difficulty sleeping. Depression: Being a teen mom is a risk factor for depression. If a mom has a baby before 37 weeks or experiences complications, depression risks can increase.

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