What kind of questions do Epidemiologists ask?

What kind of questions do Epidemiologists ask?

When a disease outbreak is identified, an epidemiologist may ask some of the following questions:

  • Why are infection rates of this disease higher than normal?
  • Why are infection rates of this disease higher than normal in this location?
  • What is the potential for the disease to spread?

What are the 5 W’s of epidemiology?

The difference is that epidemiologists tend to use synonyms for the 5 W’s: diagnosis or health event (what), person (who), place (where), time (when), and causes, risk factors, and modes of transmission (why/how).

What are the 3 main elements of descriptive epidemiology?

Descriptive epidemiology covers time, place, and person. Compiling and analyzing data by time, place, and person is desirable for several reasons.

What are the basic principles of epidemiology?

Principles of Epidemiology

  • Distribution – Epidemiology is concerned with the frequency and pattern of health events in a population.
  • Determinants – Epidemiology is also used to search for causes and other factors that influence the occurrence of health-related events.

How do you know if you’re under surveillance?

The best way to determine if you’re under physical surveillance is to always remain aware of your surroundings. Look for anyone loitering, especially in a car or van. If the person you suspect is following you reacts quickly and changes their direction, this could indicate that you’re under surveillance.

What are surveillance activities?

Surveillance Activities In addition, various methods for conducting surveillance are used to collect information, depending on disease incidence, specificity of clinical presentation, available laboratory testing, control strategies, public health goals, and the stage of the vaccination program.

What are the two types of surveillance used in epidemiology?

Here are some of the most useful.

  • Sentinel Surveillance.
  • Periodic Population-based Surveys.
  • Laboratory-based Surveillance.
  • Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response.
  • Example: The Philippine National Epidemic Surveillance System.
  • Informal Networks as Critical Elements of Surveillance Systems.

Is sentinel surveillance active or passive?

Sentinel surveillance is conducted at specific sites or in specific populations and may be passive or active.

Is active surveillance safe?

Is active surveillance safe? Research shows active surveillance is a safe way for men with low risk prostate cancer to avoid or delay unnecessary treatment. And you have the same chances of living for 10 years or more as you would if you chose to have treatment with surgery or radiotherapy.

How long does active surveillance last?

Usually active surveillance runs until between the ages of 75 and 80 years. After this age the MRI and biopsies will be dropped from the programme and you will only have the PSA monitoring.

What is Active Surveillance Epidemiology?

Active Surveillance occurs when a health department is proactive and contacts health care providers or laboratories requesting information about diseases. While this method is more costly and labor intensive, it tends to provide a more complete estimate of disease frequency.

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