What is taxonomy class 11?

What is taxonomy class 11?

Taxonomy is a science that deals with naming, describing and classification of all living organisms including plants. Classification is based on behavioural, genetic and biochemical variations. Organisms are classified into similar categories namely kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.

What is domain in classification?

Domain is the highest taxonomic rank in the hierarchical biological classification system, above the kingdom level. There are three domains of life, the Archaea, the Bacteria, and the Eucarya.

What is the oldest kingdom in the world?


What is the oldest empire in the world?

Empires and dynasties

Empire Origin Note
Akkadian Empire Sumer The Oldest Empire in the World.
Aksumite Empire Ethiopia Succeeded by the Ethiopian Empire.
Akwamu West Africa
Alaouite dynasty, Sultanate of Morocco (1665–1912) Morocco Sharifian Empire of Morocco

Which empire is largest?

The Mongol Empire

Who has the biggest empire ever?

The British Empire

Who is the best king in the world?

Top 10 Greatest Kings in the World

  1. Cyrus The Great. His actual name is Cyrus II of Persia.
  2. King Augustus Caesar. He belonged from Rome and was born in 63 BC.
  3. Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt.
  4. Ashoka The Great.
  5. King Henry VIII of England.
  6. King Tamerlane.
  7. Attila the Hun.
  8. King Louis XIV of France.

Who was the strongest ruler?

1. Genghis Khan. Born under the name of Temujin, Genghis Khan was a Mongolian warrior and ruler who went on to create the largest empire in the world – the Mongol Empire….

What do you call a retired King?

The title given to a retired monarch varies from country to country. By style and courtesy, he is still known as King. In 2013, the Belgian King Albert II abdicated in favor of his son Philippe. Albert is now known as King of Belgium whereas the reigning monarch is called the King of the Belgians.

Who was the most handsome king in history?

King Jigme singye wangchuk of Bhutan, who is the fouth Dragon king of Bhutan was considered the most good looking and handsome in the world back then. He was crowed at the age of 16 following the sad demise of his father.

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