What do the stage directions reveal about when the opening scene takes place?

What do the stage directions reveal about when the opening scene takes place?

What do these stage directions reveal about when the opening scene takes place? It takes place after the Franks have been captured. It takes place while the Franks are in hiding. It takes place just as the Franks are going into hiding.

What is the effect of the stage directions they build suspense Brainly?

They tell the reader what each person is doing without forcing dialogue. They build suspense by telling the reader what is going on without dialogue. They encourage the reader to imagine what each person might be thinking.

What does this dialogue reveal about how Mr Frank?

What does this dialogue reveal about how Mr. Frank views his role in the attic? He sees himself as a leader who is responsible for keeping the others safe.

Why must the Frank and Van Daan families most likely stay quiet during the day they do not know whether they can trust the others who work in the building they are embarrassed to be living in an office building they are worried that others in the building may?

The Van Daan and Frank families must stay quiet during the day because they don’t want the workers in the building to hear them.

Why does Peter remove the Star of David from his clothes?

Why does Peter remove the Star of David from his clothes? Peter removes his Star of David from his clothes because he resents the fact that he was forced to wear it by the Nazis because he is Jewish. This shows he doesn’t believe in labels so when he got the chance, he took it off.

What is Mrs Frank’s personality?

She remains optimistic throughout the months they are in hiding and always makes the best of the situation she is in. As her diary reveals, she is very introspective and creative and has a vivid imagination. Putti Van Daan: An irritable former business partner of Mr. Frank, Mr.

Who is Anne Frank’s dad?

Otto Frank

What did Anne Frank wrote in her diary?

Anne wrote 34 tales. About her schooldays, things that happened in the Secret Annex, or fairytales she invented herself. The Book of Beautiful Sentences. These were not her own texts, but sentences and passages she copied from books she read in the hiding place.

What were Anne Frank’s last words in her diary?

Anne’s last entry was written on Tuesday 1 August 1944. It reads: Dearest Kitty, “A bundle of contradictions” was the end of my previous letter and is the beginning of this one.

Who is Anne Frank and what did she do?

Jewish Anne Frank hid in 1942 from the Nazis during the occupation of the Netherlands. Two years later she was discovered. In 1945 she died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

How did Anne Frank hide for so long?

Anne Frank’s Family Goes into Hiding Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany in July 1942. Anne Frank’s family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank’s business, located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, on July 6, 1942.

What is done Cannot be undone Anne Frank?

What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again.

Who is Anne Frank book?

The Diary of a Young Girl

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