What does the dialogue tell you about the character of Anne Frank?

What does the dialogue tell you about the character of Anne Frank?

Answer: rank, Anne is a lively, curious girl of thirteen at the beginning of the play. She remains optimistic throughout the months they are in hiding and always makes the best of the situation she is in. As her diary reveals, she is very introspective and creative and has a vivid imagination.

What does the dialogue reveal about Mrs Van Daan?

and Mrs. Van Daan are speaking, the ellipses show pauses where they interrupt each other. The speaking reveals Mrs. Van Daan is nervous and excited.

What is the climax of Anne Frank?

The climax of the play The Diary of Anne Frank is at the very end when Anne and everyone else hiding in the annex are discovered and arrested. Immediately before this, Anne and Peter are having a philosophical conversation about their self-identities. Anne tells Peter, “I’d never turn away from who I am.

What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Mr Frank Brainly?

What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Mr. Frank? He is constantly worried that others’ needs are not being met. He uses his sense of humor to make others feel comfortable.

What does this dialogue reveal about how Mr Frank views his role in the attic Brainly?

Answer: The correct answer is B. He sees himself as a leader who is responsible for keeping the others safe.

Why do Anne and her family go into hiding Brainly?

Explanation: to avoid being captured by the Nazis.

What does Mr Frank mean when he says Anne puts me to shame?

When Mr. Frank says “she puts me to shame” he is referring to… being ashamed that he doesn’t believe all people are basically good like Anne does. being ashamed of the type of father he was.

What does Mr Frank mean when he says now we can live in hope?

Frank is comparing their lives in the annex to self-imposed imprisonment. They were afraid all the time…. always waiting to be found now that the Gestapo has arrived to take them away, the only thing they have left is hope.

How do you picture Mr Frank as he delivers his last line she puts me to shame?

How do you picture Mr. Frank as he delivers his last line: “She puts me to shame”? He is furious.

Why does Anne think more seriously about life?

Why does she “think more seriously about life.” She wanted to be an actress first and now wants to be a journalist. She thought more seriously because of her experience living in the annex.

Why is it important to Peter that Anne has become quieter?

Why is it important to Peter that Anne has become “quieter”? It indicates to Peter that Anne is more mature. The play is set in Germany during World War I. The Franks go into hiding because, as Jews, they are in danger of being arrested by the Nazis.

What terrifies them even more while Peter and Anne are talking?

What terrifies them even more while Peter and Anne are talking? It was the tires screeching the doorbells clanging. The door has broken down and they were told to leave the warehouse, and Anne leaves her diary behind.

Why does MRs Frank cry?

Why does MRs. Frank begin to cry? She is hurt by Anne’s treatment of her.

Why does Mrs Frank call the other people her guests?

Dussel picks on things that the people care about or are sensitive about, causing people to argue more and dislike each other more and more. Why does Mrs. Frank call the other people in the attic her “guests”? Frank made the attic rooms available to the Van Daan family too.

What does Anne State in her diary?

What does Anne state in her diary? “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” “I am so scared of what the Nazis will do to my father and Peter.” “Everyone is out to get us.”

What are Margot’s frustrations with Anne and Peter’s relationship?

What are Margot’s frustrations with Anne and Peter’s relationship? Margot’s frustration is that Anne has something to get up for in the morning. She wishes she could have someone like that. However, she does not like Peter at all.

Why does Anne Frank tell about her family in her diary?

Her family happiness and peaceful life disrupted as they belonged to the Jews community. Explanation: During the period of hiding, she wrote about her views on war, family along with other members. Wars, feelings of loneliness, and frustration over lack of privacy were some of the topics, Anne Frank wrote in her diary.

Why was Anne most worried?

Anne worried that her parents might not agree and felt that they should inform her father. At first, Otto did not seem to object, but later, he changed his mind and said that he did not want ‘that Knutscherei’ (that cuddling). Anne was upset, she felt that her father should trust her.

How long was Anne Frank in hiding?

761 days

How did Anne Frank changed the world?

Today, Anne Frank has become the most famous young author of all time, and The Diary of a Young Girl is one of the most widely read books in the world, translated into more than 65 languages. For educators, the diary provides a rare chance for students to learn about the Holocaust from someone their own age.

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